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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Why be Physically Active? Things that Get in the way.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Why be Physically Active? Things that Get in the way."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Why be Physically Active? Things that Get in the way Seasonal activities How much Physical activity? Physical Activities Odds & ends

2 Being physically active can lower this, and that’s good for your heart.

3 Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Stress, Weight

4 Being physically active strengthens these.

5 Bones and muscles.

6 In addition to being good for your body, physical activity is also good for this

7 Mind (improves mood, reduces symptoms of depression)

8 Being physically active gives you strength and energy. Name some things you do on an average day that might be easier if you had more strength and energy.

9 Climbing stairs, grocery shopping, getting up from a chair, cleaning house, doing yard work, walk to school, physical games

10 If you are active enough and tear down muscle tissue you will need this nutrient to built it back up

11 What is Protein

12 A person may not want to increase his or her physical activity for fear of this.

13 . Injury, Harm, Exacerbate poor health or disease state (people with disabilities or chronic diseases can be active – they just need to check with their doctor about what activities might be best for them)

14 Some people aren’t physically active because they don’t want to, or can’t afford to, join one of these.

15 Gym, Health Club

16 Getting one of these to walk with you might help make physical activity more fun.

17 A Buddy or Partner

18 Name one or two other reasons why some people aren’t physically active

19 Not enough time, only for young people, don’t have the right clothes or equipment, too expensive, won’t help old people, think being physically active is only doing vigorous things like jogging

20 If expensive machines or equipment are not available what could be substitutes

21 What are pushup, sit-ups, chin-ups, dips between chairs, using your body weight in place of actual weights.

22 You can do this in your home; all you need is a little music

23 Dance

24 You can do this outside in nice weather, or inside malls and schools in bad weather

25 Walking

26 This can be done in late fall, when these are all over your yard.

27 Rake leaves

28 This activity can add beauty to your yard or nourishment for you

29 Gardening and Cutting Grass

30 If the weather allows, this activity, it would qualify as a vigorous activity but you will have to work in the cold

31 What is shoveling snow

32 Experts recommend being physically active at least 5 days per week. How many minutes do they recommend each day?


34 30 minutes (For teenagers 60 minutes)


36 Experts recommend 30 minutes (60 for teenagers) of “moderate intensity” physical activity each day. What are the other two intensity levels?

37 “light” and “vigorous” (needs to be at least moderate for health benefits – there are two ways to increase health benefits – increase time or increase intensity, or both)

38 Which of these is a “moderate intensity” physical activity – riding a stationary bicycle or jogging?

39 Riding a stationary bicycle (jogging would be vigorous intensity)

40 Which of these is a “moderate intensity” physical activity – washing dishes or raking?

41 Raking (washing dishes would be light intensity)

42 You can do moderate activity in short sessions throughout the day, as long as they add up to this many minutes.

43 30 minutes 60 minutes for teenagers

44 This is what you are advised to do if you haven’t been physically active for a long time but would like to start now.

45 Consult your physician

46 You might not feel the need for this, but your body needs it throughout the day –especially when you are active.

47 Water

48 Schools and parks often have these places where kids can climb and play

49 Playgrounds

50 Which of these is a “moderate intensity” physical activity – washing dishes or raking?

51 Raking

52 Which of these is a “moderate intensity” physical activity - riding a stationary bicycle or jogging?

53 Stationary bicycle

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