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New Area of Focus: Special Feeding Relationships New Area of Focus: Special Feeding Relationships Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy.

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Presentation on theme: "New Area of Focus: Special Feeding Relationships New Area of Focus: Special Feeding Relationships Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Area of Focus: Special Feeding Relationships New Area of Focus: Special Feeding Relationships Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

2 Symbiosis: A long term relationship between two or more different species. Symbiosis: A long term relationship between two or more different species. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

3 Three types of symbiosis Three types of symbiosis - Parasitism - Parasitism - Mutualism - Mutualism - Commensalism - Commensalism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

4 Three types of symbiosis Three types of symbiosis - Parasitism - Parasitism - Mutualism - Mutualism - Commensalism - Commensalism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

5 Three types of symbiosis Three types of symbiosis - Parasitism - Parasitism - Mutualism - Mutualism - Commensalism - Commensalism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

6 Three types of symbiosis Three types of symbiosis - Parasitism - Parasitism - Mutualism - Mutualism - Commensalism - Commensalism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

7 Parasitism: One organism benefits while the other is harmed. Parasitism: One organism benefits while the other is harmed. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

8 Parasitism: Caterpillar and wasp. Who is the parasite and what do you think will happen? Parasitism: Caterpillar and wasp. Who is the parasite and what do you think will happen? Parasitism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

9 1 in 3 American suffers in some form from a parasite. –Learn about them to help yourself. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

10 Caution! Disgusting parasites ahead. –Be prepared to be grossed out. Close your eyes if needed.

11 Parasites are one on the most numerous and successful groups of organisms on the planet. –For every species on earth, they may host a handful of unique parasites. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

12 Parasites damage their host by consuming tissues, and releasing toxins. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

13 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: your body. –Ectoparasites: your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

14 Two general types of parasites Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

15 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: Inside your body. –Ectoparasites: Outside your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

16 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: Inside your body. –Ectoparasites: Outside your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

17 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: Inside your body. –Ectoparasites: Outside your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

18 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: Inside your body. –Ectoparasites: Outside your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

19 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: Inside your body. –Ectoparasites: Outside your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

20 Two general types of parasites –Endoparasites: Inside your body. –Ectoparasites: Outside your body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

21 A few endoparasites that affect humans. –Tape worms

22 If a child frequently itches their butt, you should check to see if they have contracted pinworm.

23 Hookworm

24 Guinea worms


26 Some common ectoparasites. –Fleas

27 Louse

28 Ticks


30 This strange louse is a tongue eating parasite that lives in a fishes mouth.


32 Mosquito –A parasite that carries the malaria parasite.

33 Leeches

34 Sea Lamprey


36 Sea Lamprey are jawless fish (very old), They attach to fish with sucker and bore a hole into flesh with tongue. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

37 The parasite must not kill the host. The host provides the food and shelter and survival of the parasite.

38 Video. vUv_Ns vUv_Ns

39 The Sea Anemome and the Clownfish are a mutualism.The Sea Anemome and the Clownfish are a mutualism. –The Anemome gets some protection and cleaning from the clownfish, and the Clownfish gets protection from predators

40 Mutualism: Both organisms benefit. Mutualism: Both organisms benefit. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

41 Types of mutualisms Types of mutualisms Energy(trophic) Energy(trophic) Defensive Defensive Cleaning Cleaning Dispersive Dispersive Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

42 Energy mutualism

43 Leaf cutter ants feed leaves to their fungus colonies.

44 - The ants then feed on the growing fungus.

45 Leaf cutter ants feed leaves to their fungus colonies. - The ants then feed on the growing fungus.

46 There were all examples of trophic Mutualisms

47 Trophic mutualism: Both species help feed each other. Trophic mutualism: Both species help feed each other. -

48 Usually nutrient related. Usually nutrient related.

49 Cleaning symbiosis: One species gets food and shelter, the other has parasites removed. Cleaning symbiosis: One species gets food and shelter, the other has parasites removed. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy





54 Question! Are these ants killing this caterpillar? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

55 Question! Are these ants killing this caterpillar? –Answer: No. they are eating some sugary secretions releases by the caterpillar. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

56 Video! Caterpillar and Ant defensive mutualism.Video! Caterpillar and Ant defensive mutualism.

57 Defensive mutualisms: One species protects the other and gets some benefits for its help. Defensive mutualisms: One species protects the other and gets some benefits for its help. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

58 1.Never climb Acacia trees that have these galls. Viscous ants feel the vibrations and coming running out to attack.Never climb Acacia trees that have these galls. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

59 Goby and shrimp

60 The Sea Anemome and the Clownfish are a mutualism.

61 –The Anemome gets small scrapes from the clownfish, and the Clownfish gets protection.

62 Dispersive mutualisms: One species receives food in exchange for moving the pollen or seeds of its partner. Dispersive mutualisms: One species receives food in exchange for moving the pollen or seeds of its partner. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

63 Pollination – Insects transfer pollen from one flower to the next, insects gets nectar.


65 “Wow!” “Look how this flower has evolved to be white, and shaped in a way so I can visit it.”

66 Seed dispersal



69 You can now complete these questions on your bundled homework.


71 Commensalism: One organism benefits while the other doesn’t benefit, or suffer harm. Commensalism: One organism benefits while the other doesn’t benefit, or suffer harm.

72 The remora just hitches a ride to grab some scraps after the kill.

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