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The Pacific States -CHAPTER #8-. CALIFORNIA LANDFORMS -Highest peak in 48 contiguous states? -Lowest point in all of North America? -San Andreas Fault.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pacific States -CHAPTER #8-. CALIFORNIA LANDFORMS -Highest peak in 48 contiguous states? -Lowest point in all of North America? -San Andreas Fault."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pacific States -CHAPTER #8-

2 CALIFORNIA LANDFORMS -Highest peak in 48 contiguous states? -Lowest point in all of North America? -San Andreas Fault

3 CLIMATES OF CALIFORNIA -marine-west-coast in the north in the north-Mediterranean in the coastal in the coastal southern & central southern & central -East of Sierra Nevada Mtns.? Nevada Mtns.?

4 Economy of California Largest state economy in U.S. 13% of U.S. GDP Has 57 Fortune 500 Companies If a country, would be the 8 th largest economy in the world

5 Agriculture of California -Has double the ag. industry than any other state & is than any other state & is the world’s 5 th largest the world’s 5 th largest ag. producer ag. producer-agribusiness?-Irrigation?

6 Urban Geography of California -Urban population? -Los Angeles -San Francisco -San Diego -Multicultural region *demographics?

7 Silicon Valley (San Jose) Universities?

8 OREGON & WASHINGTON LANDFORMS: -Formation of Cascade Mtns.? -Crater Lake, OR -Tectonic activity?

9 Climate -WEST SIDE vs. EAST SIDE?

10 Resources & Industry -Fish & Forests -Clear cuts?

11 Urban geography -Seattle?-Portland?

12 Alaska -1/5 the size -Aleutian Islands -archipelago-Panhandle? -Mt. McKinley (Denali) -Glaciers?

13 CLIMATE OF ALASKA Tundra Subarctic Tundra Marine West Coast

14 RESOURCES OF ALASKA - “Seward’s Folly” - T.A.P.S. - Exxon Valdez oil spill (1989)

15 Oil and A.N.W.R. Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay North Slope North Slope Arctic National Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Gwich’in tribe Gwich’in tribe Inupiat tribe Inupiat tribe Video Video Video



18 Climate of Hawaii -Climate? -What dominates the weather? *precipitation patterns

19 Hawaiian economics

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