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Closed Testing and the Partitioning Principle Jason C. Hsu The Ohio State University MCP 2002 August 2002 Bethesda, Maryland.

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Presentation on theme: "Closed Testing and the Partitioning Principle Jason C. Hsu The Ohio State University MCP 2002 August 2002 Bethesda, Maryland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closed Testing and the Partitioning Principle Jason C. Hsu The Ohio State University MCP 2002 August 2002 Bethesda, Maryland

2 Principles of Test-Construction Union-Intersection Testing UIT Union-Intersection Testing UIT S. N. Roy Intersection-Union Testing IUT Intersection-Union Testing IUT Roger Berger (1982) Technometrics Closed testing Closed testing Marcus, Peritz, Gabriel (1976) Biometrika Partitioning Partitioning Stefansson, Kim, and Hsu (1984) Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics, Berger & Gupta eds., Springer-Verlag. Finner and Strassberger (2002) Annals of Statistics Equivariant confidence set Equivariant confidence set Tukey (1953) Scheffe (195?) Dunnett (1955)

3 Partitioning confidence sets Multiple Comparison with the Best Multiple Comparison with the Best Gunnar Stefansson & Hsu 1-sided stepdown method (sample-determined steps) = Naik/Marcus-Peritz-Gabriel closed test 1-sided stepdown method (sample-determined steps) = Naik/Marcus-Peritz-Gabriel closed testHsu Multiple Comparison with the Sample Best Multiple Comparison with the Sample Best Woochul Kim & Hsu & Stefansson Bioequivalence Bioequivalence Ruberg & Hsu & G. Hwang & Liu & Casella & Brown 1-sided stepdown method (pre-determined steps) 1-sided stepdown method (pre-determined steps) Roger Berger & Hsu

4 Partitioning 1. Formulate hypotheses H 0i :    i * for i  I  i  I  i * = entire parameter space  i  I  i * = entire parameter space {  i * : i  I } partitions the parameter space {  i * : i  I } partitions the parameter space 2. Test each H 0i * :    i *, i  I, at  3. Infer    i if H 0i * is rejected 4. Pivot in each  i a confidence set C i for  5.  i  I C i is a 100(1  )% confidence set for 

5 Partitioning 1. Formulate hypotheses H 0i :    i for i  I  i  J  I = entire parameter space  i  J  I = entire parameter space 2. For each J  I, let  J * =  i  J  i  (  j  J  j ) c 3. Test each H 0J * :    J *, J  I, at  {  J * : J  I} partitions the parameter space {  J * : J  I} partitions the parameter space 4. Infer    J if H 0J * is rejected 5. Pivot in each  J a confidence set C J for  6.  J  J C J is a 100(1  )% confidence set for 

6 MCB confidence intervals  i  max j  i  j  [  (Y i  max j  i Y j  W) , (Y i  max j  i Y j + W) + ], i = 1, 2, …, k Upper bounds imply subset selection Upper bounds imply subset selection Lower bounds imply indifference zone selection Lower bounds imply indifference zone selection

7 Multiple Comparison with the Best 1. H 01 : Treatment 1 is the best 2. H 02 : Treatment 2 is the best 3. H 03 : Treatment 3 is the best 4. … Test each at  using 1-sided Dunnett’s Test each at  using 1-sided Dunnett’s Collate the results Collate the results

8 Partitioning picture

9 Union-Intersection Testing UIT 1. Form H a :  H ai (an “or” thing) 2. Test H 0 :  H 0i, the complement of H a 1. If reject, infer at least one H 0i false 2. Else, infer nothing

10 Closed Testing 1. Formulate hypotheses H 0i :    i for i  I 2. For each J  I, let  J =  i  J  i 3. Form closed family of null hypotheses {H 0J :    J : J  I} 4. Test each H 0J at  5. Infer    i  J  i if all H 0J’ with J  J’ rejected 6. Infer    i if all H 0J’ with i  J’ rejected

11 Oneway model Y ir =  i +  ir, i = 0, 1, 2, …, k, r = 1, …, n i  ir are i.i.d. Normal(0,  2 ) Dose i “efficacious” if  i >  1 +  ICH E10 (2000) Superiority if   0 Superiority if   0 Non-inferiority if  < 0 Non-inferiority if  < 0 Equivalence is 2-sided Equivalence is 2-sided Non-inferiority is 1-sided Non-inferiority is 1-sided

12 Closed testing null hypotheses (sample-determined steps) 1. H 02 : Dose 2 not efficacious 2. H 03 : Dose 3 not efficacious 3. H 01 : Doses 2 and 3 not efficacious Test each at  Test each at  Collate the results Collate the results

13 Partitioning null hypotheses (sample-determined steps) 1. H 01 : Doses 2 and 3 not efficacious 2. H 02 : Dose 2 not efficacious but dose 3 is 3. H 03 : Dose 3 not efficacious but dose 2 is Test each at  Test each at  Collate the results Collate the results

14 Partitioning implies closed testing Partitioning implies closed testing because A size  test for H 0i is a size  test for H 0i A size  test for H 0i is a size  test for H 0i Reject H 01 : Doses 2 and 3 not efficacious implies either dose 2 or dose 3 efficacious Reject H 01 : Doses 2 and 3 not efficacious implies either dose 2 or dose 3 efficacious Reject H 02 : Dose 2 not efficacious but dose 3 efficacious implies it is not the case dose 3 is efficacious but not dose 2 Reject H 02 : Dose 2 not efficacious but dose 3 efficacious implies it is not the case dose 3 is efficacious but not dose 2 Reject H 01 and H 02 thus implies dose 2 efficacious Reject H 01 and H 02 thus implies dose 2 efficacious

15 Intersection-Union Testing IUT 1. Form H a :  H ai (an “and” thing) 2. Test H 0 :  H 0i, the complement of H a 1. If reject, infer all H 0i false 2. Else, infer nothing

16 PK concentration in blood plasma curve

17 Bioequivalence defined Bioequivalence: clinical equivalence between 1. Brand name drug 2. Generic drug Bioequivalence parameters AUC = Area Under the Curve AUC = Area Under the Curve C max = maximum Concentration C max = maximum Concentration T max = Time to maximum concentratin T max = Time to maximum concentratin

18 Average bioequivalence Notation   = expected value of brand name drug  2 = expected value of generic drug Average bioequivalence means.8 <   /  2 < 1.25 for AUC and.8 <   /  2 < 1.25 for C max

19 Bioequivalence in practice If log of observations are normal with means   and  2 and equal variances, then average bioequivalence becomes log(.8) <    2 < log(1.25) for AUC and log(.8) <    2 < log(1.25) for C max

20 Partitioning Partition the parameter space as 1. H 0< :    2 <  log(0.8) 2. H 0> :    2 > log(1.25) 3. H a : log(.8) <    2 < log(1.25) Test H 0 each at . Infer log(.8) rejected. Controls P{incorrect decision} at .

21 Dose-Response (Phase II)

22 Anti-psychotic drug efficacy trial Dose of Seroquel (mg) Dose of Seroquel (mg) 075150300600750 n515248515153 iiii4.784.223.743.563.583.93 SE0. Arvanitis et al. (1997 Biological Psychiatry) CGI = Clinical Global Impression

23 Minimum Effective Dose (MED) Minimu Effective Dose =MED =smallest i so that  i >  1 +  for all j, i  j  k Want an upper confidence bound MED + so that P{MED < MED + }  100(1  )%

24 Closed testing inference Infer nothing if H 01 is accepted Infer nothing if H 01 is accepted Infer at least one of doses 2 and 3 effective if H 01 is rejected Infer at least one of doses 2 and 3 effective if H 01 is rejected Infer dose 2 effective if, in addition to H 01, H 02 is rejected Infer dose 2 effective if, in addition to H 01, H 02 is rejected Infer dose 3 effective if, in addition to H 01, H 03 is rejected Infer dose 3 effective if, in addition to H 01, H 03 is rejected

25 Closed testing method (sample-determined steps) Start from H 01 to H 02 and H 03 Start from H 01 to H 02 and H 03 Stepdown from smallest p-value to largest p-value Stepdown from smallest p-value to largest p-value Stop as soon as one fails to reject Stop as soon as one fails to reject Multiplicity adjustment decreases from k to k  1 to k  2  to 2 from step 1 to 2 to 3 … to step k  1 Multiplicity adjustment decreases from k to k  1 to k  2  to 2 from step 1 to 2 to 3 … to step k  1

26 Partitioning picture

27 Tests of equalities (pre-determined steps) 1. H 0k :  1 =  2 =  =  k H ak :  1 =  2 =  <  k 2. H 0(k  1) :  1 =  2 =  =  k  1 H a(k  1) :  1 =  2 =  <  k  1 3. H 0(k  2) :  1 =  2 =  =  k  2 H a(k  2) :  1 =  2 =  <  k  2 4.  5. H 02 :  1 =  2 H a2 :  1 <  2

28 Closed testing of equalities Null hypotheses are nested Null hypotheses are nested 1. Closure of family remains H 0k  H 02 2. Test each H 0i at  3. Stepdown from dose k to dose k  1 to  to dose 2 4. Stop as soon as one fails to reject 5. Multiplicity adjustment not needed

29 Testing equalities is easy 1. H 0k :  1 =  =  k 2.  3. H 02 :  1 =  2 H 0i  H 0i H 0i  H 0i 1. H 0k :  1   k 2.  3. H 02 :  1   2 H 0i  H 0i

30 Partitioning null hypotheses (for pre-determined steps) 1. H 0k :Dose k not efficacious 2. H 0(k-1) :Dose k efficacious but dose k  1 not efficacious 3. H 0(k-1) :Doses k and k  1 efficacious but dose k  2 not efficacious 4.  5. H 02 :Doses k  3 efficacious but dose 2 not efficacious Test each at  Test each at  Collate the results Collate the results

31 Partitioning inference 1. Infer nothing if H 0k is accepted 2. Infer dose k effective if H 0k is rejected 3. Infer dose k  1 effective if, in addition to H 0k, H 0(k-1) is rejected 4. Infer dose k  2 effective if, in addition to H 0k and H 0(k-1), H 03 is rejected 5. 

32 Partitioning method (for pre-determined steps) Stepdown from dose k to dose k  1 to  to dose 2 Stepdown from dose k to dose k  1 to  to dose 2 Stop as soon as one fails to reject Stop as soon as one fails to reject Multiplicity adjustment not needed Multiplicity adjustment not needed Any pre-determined sequence of doses can be used Any pre-determined sequence of doses can be used Confidence set given in Hsu and Berger (1999 JASA) Confidence set given in Hsu and Berger (1999 JASA)

33 Pairwise t tests for partitioning Size  tests for H 0k  H 02 are also size  test for H 0k  H 02 1. H 0k :Dose k not efficacious 2. H 0(k-1) :Dose k  1 not efficacious 3. H 0(k-2) :Dose k  2 not efficacious 4.  5. H 02 :Dose 2 not efficacious Test each with a size-  2-sample 1-sided t-test Test each with a size-  2-sample 1-sided t-test

34 Testing equalities is easy 1. H 0k :  1 =  =  k 2.  3. H 02 :  1 =  2 H 0i  H 0i H 0i  H 0i 1. H 0k :  1   k 2.  3. H 02 :  1   2 H 0i  H 0i

35 Could reject for the wrong reason H0H0H0H0 HaHaHaHaneither


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