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BLACK BOX TESTING K.KARTHIKEYAN. Black box testing technique Random testing Equivalence and partitioning testing Boundary value analysis State transition.

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Presentation on theme: "BLACK BOX TESTING K.KARTHIKEYAN. Black box testing technique Random testing Equivalence and partitioning testing Boundary value analysis State transition."— Presentation transcript:


2 Black box testing technique Random testing Equivalence and partitioning testing Boundary value analysis State transition testing Cause and effect graphing Error guessing

3 Random testing  All of the test inputs are generated randomly (often using a tool).  İt is a black box testing

4 Why we use RT ? Random testing gives us an advantage of easily estimating software reliability from test outcomes. Test inputs are randomly generated according to an operational profile, and failure times are recorded The data obtained from random testing can then be used to estimate reliability. Other testing methods cannot be used in this way to estimate software reliability Use of random test inputs may save some of the time and effort that more thoughtful test input selection methods require.(domain is well-structured)

5 How we use RT? Random Testing can be summarized as a four-step procedure 1.The input domain is identified 2.Test inputs are selected independently from the domain 3.The system under test is executed on these inputs. This inputs constitude a random test set. 4.The results are compared to the system spesification. The test is a failure if any input leads to incorrect results; otherwise it is a success.

6 Main types of random testing techniques: 1.Random input data generation 2.Random sequence of data input (sometimes called as stochastic testing) 3.Random data selection from existing database It is possible to combine all the above testing techniques.


8 To provide an approach to design test case  Understand how to apply equivalence partitioning and boundary analysis to design test case  Purpose Purpose Equivalence and partitioning testing

9 9 What is EP? What is EP? Input, output domain Equivalence classes

10 Advantages of EP Advantages of EP -To reduce the number of test cases to a necessary minimum -To select the right test cases to cover all possible scenarios ( of course not to be absolutely sure)

11 How to use to design testcase How to use to design testcase Test case design by EP proceeds into 2 steps: - Identify equivalence classes - Define the test cases

12 12 Input, output: clue from requirement Equivalence classes are of 2 types: valid and invalid Ex: identify equivalence classes for this requirement “ if a pupil has total score >= 75, he will pass the exam, otherwise will fail (total score is an integer)” Identify equivalence classes Identify equivalence classes

13 Identify equivalence classes Total score Error messageSystem Fail Pass

14 14 Valid equivalence classes Invalid equivalence classes Total score1. >=752. <75 3. Null 4. String Result of the exam 5. Pass 6. Fail 7. Error message Identify equivalence classes Identify equivalence classes

15 Assign a unique number to each equivalence class For valid case: until all valid equivalence classes have been covered by test case, write a new test case covering as many uncover valid equivalence classes as possible. For invalid case: until all invalid equivalence classes have been covered by test case, write a new test case that cover one, and only one, of the uncovered invalid equivalence classes. Define test cases Define test cases

16 16 Example: write test case for “ if a pupil has total score >= 75, he will be past the exam, otherwise will fail ”, using equivalence partitioning. Define test cases Define test cases ConditionsValid equivalence class Invalid equivalence class Total score1. >=752. <75 3. Null 4. String Result of the exam 5. Pass 6. Fail 7. Error message Test case: 1, 5 2, 6 3, 7 4, 7

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18 Boundary analyze and EP Boundary analyze and EP Boundary values

19 Boundary analyze and EP Boundary analyze and EP Boundary value analysis? -Is to use input variable value at the minimum, just above minimum, just below minimum, normal, at the maximum, just below maximum, just above maximum

20 20 Boundary analyze and EP Boundary analyze and EP Example: “ if a pupil has total score >= 75, he will pass the exam, otherwise will fail (total score is an integer)” ConditionsValid equivalence classes Invalid equivalence classes Total score1. >=752. <75 3. Null 4. String Result of the exam 5. Pass 6. Fail 7. Error message Test case: 1. 1, 5 2. 2, 6 3. 3, 7 4. 4, 7 Data to test: 1a. 75, pass 1b. 76, pass 2. 74, fail 3. Null, error message 4a. A, error message 4b. I am a tester of EW and I love this job, error message

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23 What is State Transition Testing? State Transition testing, a black box testing technique, in which outputs are triggered by changes to the input conditions or changes to 'state' of the system. In other words, tests are designed to execute valid and invalid state transitions. Advantages Allows testers to familiarize with the software design and enables them to design tests effectively. It also enables testers to cover the unplanned or invalid states


25 TestsTest 1Test 2Test 3 Start StateOffOn InputSwitch ONSwitch OffSwitch off OutputLight ONLight OffFault Finish StateONOFFOn

26 Cause and Effect Graph Testing Cause-Effect Graph graphically shows the connection between a given outcome and all issues that manipulate A “Cause” stands for a separate input condition that fetches about an internal change in the system. An “Effect” represents an output condition, a system transformation or a state resulting from a combination of causes.

27 The Cause-Effect Diagram can be used under these Circumstances: To determine the current problem so that right decision can be taken very fast. To narrate the connections of the system with the factors affecting a particular process or effect. To recognize the probable root causes, the cause for a exact effect, problem, or outcome.

28 Benefits of making cause-Effect Diagram It finds out the areas where data is collected for additional study. It motivates team contribution and uses the team data of the process. Uses synchronize and easy to read format to diagram cause- and-effect relationships. Point out probable reasons of difference in a process. It enhances facts of the procedure by helping everyone to learn more about the factors at work and how they relate. It assists us to decide the root reasons of a problem or quality using a structured approach.



31 ERROR GUESSING The Error guessing is a technique where the experienced and good testers are encouraged to think of situations in which the software may not be able to cope. Error guessing is a testing technique that makes use of a tester's skill, intuition and experience in testing similar applications to identify defects that may not be easy to capture by the more formal techniques. It is usually done after more formal techniques are completed.

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