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Agents & Contracts Chris Thair RFL Salary Cap and Licencing Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Agents & Contracts Chris Thair RFL Salary Cap and Licencing Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agents & Contracts Chris Thair RFL Salary Cap and Licencing Manager

2 Feb 2009 England U16 Squad Joseph Bate Kristian Bell Mike Bishay Daniel Bridge Gregory Burke Ben Crooks Alex Davidson Sam Fletcher Keith Holden Daniel JonesJoshua Jones Viny Kakopa Darren Lamb Reece LyneRyan Shaw Louis Sheriff Brad Singleton Jared Stewart Francis Welsh IT DOESN’T HAPPEN STRAIGHT AWAY




6 Fulltime Contract 110 Signed in 2011 (1 FT) 70-80 in 2012?

7 Declaration of Interest Must finish Community Game Commitments A player may get 0 to 5 interested parties RFL send letter early August & Include Proforma 2 Months

8 September Contract Offer: 27 Months 30 th November 2014 End Date U18s  U19s Academy Minimum Contract Value (TBC)

9 Don’t Try to Remember Everything You will receive lots of talks Professional Player Induction in Year 1 Player Welfare is a Priority in all Youth Programmes

10 Contracts – Discretion How Much? Is that important? Individual and Club Dependant You are still unproven Lots of things to consider

11 What is a Contract It is a Contract of Employment A legally binding agreement which describes how the relationship will work within the framework of employment law Parents will see it

12 Standard Forms They are all the same In the relevant boxes you just put different –Names and Addresses –Start & Finish Dates –Payment Details –Additional RFL Clauses if Required

13 Standard Headings Place and Hours of Work Remuneration Regulation Compliance (Anti Doping / Betting) Television & Photography Injury and illness Disciplinary Procedures Gross Misconduct

14 £5k on England Debut £5k after 10 Super League Games

15 Agents

16 Take them or leave them Must be Authorised Agents Everything is online 19 Official UK Agents

17 Impact Sports Consultancy Martin Shuttleworth Howes Etc.David Howes Show Me the Money Craig Harrison Elite Star Management Richard Kramer Football First Martin Offiah Mum and Dad

18 Pro’s – Agent 1.Understands the Market  knows your worth 2.Established Network in the Clubs. 3.Experienced Contract Negotiator. 4.Can Help Maximise Commercial Potential 5.Access to Services: Financial, Legal, Insurance 6.Moral Support 7.Help with Exit Strategy 8.Maximise Your Earning Potential

19 Cons – Agents 1.Shop Around and you will find your value (different value to different clubs) 2.Clubs will approach you 3.You have no commercial value at present 4.Club will help with Service Provision and have a welfare programme 5.Moral Support? 6.It Costs Money (Balanced Against What they make you in return). Salary Cap Sport

20 Fees Free at First or flat fee under £10k 5% of any earnings from the club 25% of any earnings received through commercial, marketing or media deals. Take from Net Pay

21 Paperwork Representation Agreement. Max 2 Yrs (1 for U18s). Contract Still Applicable. Change in last month or when have written permission. U18s must have parent counter signature. “Registered Close Relation Declaration” Free and Into RFL within 7 days

22 Parents Speak to People Ask Questions Meet people 1 to 1 (PPMs and HOY) Trust

23 Thank You For Listening Questions? Chris Thair

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