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Working conditions Project One---Starting Your Business.

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1 Working conditions Project One---Starting Your Business

2 Teaching Objectives 1. To enable Ss to talk about working conditions 2. To practice reading for gist and for specific information 3. To review adverbs of frequency

3 Teaching steps Step 1. Lead in Step 2. Vocabulary and grammar Step 3. Text A: Comments about job Step 4. Text B: Conditions of employment Step 5. Classroom exercises Step 6. Extended Business knowledge Step 7. Assignment

4 Lead-in What type of job would you like to look for in the future? Will you consider working conditions when choosing a job?


6 Essential Vocabulary 2. efficiently 3. annoying 4. bonus 5.annually 6. performance 7. order 8. overtime 9. break down 10. Presentation 11. embarrassing 12.occasionally

7 13. previous 14. overall 15. regulation 16. term 17.shift 18. operation 19.consult 20. review out of 22. line manager 23.representative Essential Vocabulary

8 Adverbs of frequency

9 Suggested answers never rarely rarelyoccasionallysometimes frequently/often frequently/often usually usually always always

10 Complete the information below

11 Usage of adverbs of frequency 频度副词:如 always,often, usually, sometimes, seldom, occasionally, rarely, never 等通常放在所修饰的实义动词前面, 例如: They always play football after school. 但它们需放在 be 动词之后,例如: Tom is always late for school. 时间副词:如 hourly,weekly, monthly, annually 等通常放在动词 之后 ,且多置于句末,例如: They review your salary annually.

12 Reading 1 Comments about work

13 Instructions The staff Amberlay Advertising have a comments box. Read the comments and answer the questions.

14 Comments about work 1.I usually answer the the phone when it rings in our department but the calls are rarely for me. It’s really annoying. 2. We get bonus annually. I’d prefer it monthly. 3. We meet weekly to discuss sales performance. It’s too often.

15 4. We frequently run out of stationary in our office. There doesn't seem to be a sensible system for ordering supplies. 5. We often work late at the office but we never get overtime pay. 6. The equipment sometimes breaks down when I’m giving a presentation. It’s always embarrassing. Comments about work

16 Questions Part 1 Answers Answers 1. Why is one employee unhappy about taking calls? 2. What kind of supply problems does the office have? 3. What are the problems with pay? 4. What stops people from doing their job efficiently? 5. One person makes a suggestion as well as a comment. What is it?

17 Suggested answers Part 1 1. They are rarely for him/her. 2. They frequently run out of stationary. There isn’t a sensible system for ordering supplies. 3. They don’t receive overtime pay when they work late. They get their bonus annually but one person would prefer it monthly.

18 4. Equipment breaks down during presentations. There isn’t a sensible system for ordering supplies.One person thinks they have too many meetings. 5. The only person who makes a suggestion as well as a comment is the person who writes about the bonus system. Suggested answers

19 What typical problems do you have at work? Question on future work Part 2

20 Suggested answer Part 2 a. Income :salary, bonus, benefits b. Working hours: just day work or shifts? c. Holidays: paid holiday or unpaid holiday ? d. Responsibility: e. Personal career development: f. Boss and colleagues: friendly and helpful? g. Working environment: beautiful? Comfortable? h. Health and safety

21 Reading 2 Read Fibretech’s conditions of employment.

22 Scan the following words before reading 1.shift: a period of work which starts when another one finishes 2. salary: money a person receives for work 3. to review: to look at something again in order to change it 4. overalls: work clothes that people wear to keep their own clothes clean 5. regulations: rules people have to follow 6. overtime: extra hours a person works 7. leave: holiday from work 8. Line manager: the person you are directly responsible for 9. break: time to have a rest 10. to provide: to give somebody something

23 Reading Tip Before reading, scan the words with CAPITAL LETTERS firstly and tell What type of work it is.

24 Fibretech’s conditions of employment



27 Suggested answer 1. B 2. B A.Factory work(shifts, safety regulations, overalls) 3. C 4. A B.

28 Speaking hours overtime leave(holiday ) clothing health and safety bonus Salary shift Ss work in pairs to discuss conditions of work by using the ideas below

29 Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the prepositons below.You can use the prepositions more than once.

30 Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. Exercise 1

31 Suggested answers 1. with 2. about 3. at 4. of 5. of 6. in 7. at/in 8. with 9. in 10. about/with

32 Useful sentences of talking about work 1.We get bonus annually. I’d prefer it monthly. 2.I usually answer the the phone when it rings in our office. 3.We meet weekly to discuss sales/teaching/learning performance.

33 4. We frequently run out of stationary in our office. 5. We often work late at the office but we never get overtime pay. 6. The equipment sometimes breaks down when I’m giving a presentation. Useful sentences of talking about work

34 Assignment Exam practice Form –filling exercise (Reading Test Part 7)


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