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Mrs. Masojc (Ma. Soy. Ch). * Period 1: 8:55-10:10 (Homeroom) * Period 2: 10:17-11:32 * Period 3: 11:39-12:54 * Period 3 Lunch: 11:39-12:17 * Period 4:

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Masojc (Ma. Soy. Ch). * Period 1: 8:55-10:10 (Homeroom) * Period 2: 10:17-11:32 * Period 3: 11:39-12:54 * Period 3 Lunch: 11:39-12:17 * Period 4:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Masojc (Ma. Soy. Ch)

2 * Period 1: 8:55-10:10 (Homeroom) * Period 2: 10:17-11:32 * Period 3: 11:39-12:54 * Period 3 Lunch: 11:39-12:17 * Period 4: 12:23-1:38 * Period 4 Lunch: 1:01-1:38 * Period 5: 1:45-3:00

3 * Fill out green “Change of Course” Form. Hand in to teacher, teacher will bring to Guidance. * If you do not have a guidance appointment this week, DO NOT go to guidance. You will be contacted with an appointment.

4 * Autumn Teams (Try outs start soon!! ) * Junior Girls/Senior Girls B-ball * X Country * Field Hockey * Football * Junior Boys Soccer * Senior Tennis * Junior Boys/Senior Boys Volleyball

5 * Call 519-745-6789 and get a note!!

6 * TRUANCY will be noted on your academic records.

7 * Students can not eat and/or drink in the halls, classes, library, or upper forum. * Serious allergies: Do not put your fellow St. Mary’s family members in DANGER!!

8 * Cell Phones are not to be used in class. * Warning * Sent to office * Parents called to pick up phone


10 UnitAssignment On Time? KTCAComments MidtermKTCA /100 Final MarksKTCA TERM /70 COURSE CULMINATING ACTIVITY FINAL EXAM OVERALL Summative Assessment Tracking SheetCourse: Period: STUDENT: ________________________________________ DateComment Works Independently E G S N Organization E G S N Work Habits/HomeworkE G S N Team WorkE G S N Initiative E G S N Self Regulation E G S N

11 Works Independently E G S N  uses prior knowledge and skills to aid learning  begins learning activities without prompting  finishes what has been started  perseveres when faced with challenges  revises work when necessary

12 Organization E G S N  makes a plan to help accomplish work  revises the plan as required  uses class time efficiently to improve learning  and accomplish goals  organizes and uses information effectively to complete work

13 Work Habits/HomeworkE G S N  submits required work on time  works to full potential  comes to class prepared to work  works effectively in class  completes work on time

14 Team WorkE G S N  shares ideas and resources to achieve group goals  listens to and respects ideas and opinions of others  takes responsibility for share of group work  performs a variety of new roles to develop new skills  encourages and supports positive contributions of others

15 Initiative E G S N  looks for additional learning opportunities  uses a variety of resources and people to aid learning  seeks help when needed

16 Self Regulation E G S N  ensures all work is thoroughly completed  use computer lab/library time effectively and appropriately  ask for clarification or assistance when necessary

17 Learning Goals in Grade 11 HSP 3MI I can identify and differentiate between the three disciplines of social science: anthropology, psychology, and sociology I can apply key concepts and theories from the three disciplines of social science to current social issues. I can conduct research and present findings on topics related to the three social sciences.

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