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Key Supporting Studies. Complementary Studies Team has secured $235,000 in trust funds from Bank’s internal forestry anchor unit (PROFOR) Designed to.

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1 Key Supporting Studies

2 Complementary Studies Team has secured $235,000 in trust funds from Bank’s internal forestry anchor unit (PROFOR) Designed to finance complementary studies to normal preparation work Concept discussed and agreed by DoLR team prior to submission Can be completed over next 18 months, but needs to be done at a quicker pace to be really useful to the Neeranchal preparation/implementation process

3 Three Study Components 1.Review of landscape level watershed assessment and/or planning processes, develop draft guidelines 2.Institutional review of IWMP, convergence 3.Dissemination of watershed best practices in India

4 Larger Scale Assessment/Planning Watershed planning in India typically at scale of micro-watershed, often around 500 ha, sometimes clustered into a larger sub-watershed Starting from this scale ideal for community planning but prevents stakeholders from seeing the bigger picture: Basic hydrology, land and water uses, interactions Guide micro-watershed selection, interventions Guide major investments in water control Support broader sustainable land management Need to explore larger scale approach in Neeranchal

5 Seeing The Bigger Picture Critical to link micro-watershed plans with higher- level watershed analyses or plans Sub-Basin Sub-Watershed Micro-Watershed at field level Basin

6 Proposed Outputs/Benefits Help stakeholders better understand options for landscape level watershed planning based on examples from within India and other experiences from outside India Develop methodology for landscape level watershed assessment/planning with key stakeholders Transform the methodology into practical guidelines that could be used in Neeranchal Audience would be practitioners, policy makers

7 Proposed Approach Led by small team of national consultants, supported by international consultants Work would be guided by Bank and DoLR, relevant state watershed agencies Workshops at critical points, bringing in speakers from other regions where best practices are found Technical report, draft guidelines, review process, formulating final documents, dissemination

8 Institutional Study of IWMP IWMP has a number of implementation issues and constraints Convergence/integration adds complexities Need to delve into how IMWP delivery and convergence/integration can be improved, based on good practices in India and similar programs in other countries

9 Proposed Outputs/Benefits Methodology that could be replicated elsewhere Better understanding of IWMP institutional issues and constraints Valuable information to preparation and/or implementation of Neeranchal Information that could be useful in other countries facing similar issues with national watershed programs

10 Proposed Approach Desk study with national consultants, in collaboration with international specialists Field work in selected states to study IWMP in action Build on study carried out in Karnataka during preparation of new project (main focus was on NREGA) Workshops drawing in national and international experts Report, dissemination

11 Best Practices in Watershed Management in India Need to improve knowledge sharing in support of Neeranchal preparation Publish draft report from Bank on best practices from three state level Bank-supported practices Collate best practices in key areas from non-Bank projects in India Knowledge fairs, workshops

12 Discussion Questions 1. What scale would be realistic in your state for landscape level watershed assessment and/or planning? 2. What issues/problems could a larger scale watershed assessment help you address? 3. For IWMP, which states would be best suited for field studies to examine performance and convergence, particularly with best practices, success stories? 4. What is the level of interest in knowledge sharing fairs, workshops, community of practices, etc?

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