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Mesoamerican and Caribbean (MAC) Smog Blog Initial Training Global Air Quality Case Studies September 11-12, 2008 CATHALAC, Panama MODIS 15 May 2007 Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Mesoamerican and Caribbean (MAC) Smog Blog Initial Training Global Air Quality Case Studies September 11-12, 2008 CATHALAC, Panama MODIS 15 May 2007 Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mesoamerican and Caribbean (MAC) Smog Blog Initial Training Global Air Quality Case Studies September 11-12, 2008 CATHALAC, Panama MODIS 15 May 2007 Data from NASA GSFC

2 Global Air Quality Case Studies 1.India - haze along Himalayas due to agricultural burning and megacities 2.China- haze from the Bo Hai Bay coastline in the east to the mountains in the west Sources: RGB Images & Analysis: NASA Earth Observatory AOD Images: NASA Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution Center, processed by Battelle

3 MODIS True Color Image of Northern India, Nepal, Bangladesh – 2/5/06

4 lInsert AOD jpg MODIS Image, Processed by Battelle

5 Northern India True Color vs. AOD - 2/5/06

6 MODIS True Color Image of Eastern China- 9/10/05

7 MODIS Image, Processed by Battelle

8 Eastern China True Color vs. AOD - 9/10/05

9 Advantages and Limitations of Satellites for Air Pollution Advantages Greater detail over regions especially those with no ground monitors Synoptic and transboundary view (time and space) Adds value when combined with other data and models Visual appeal

10 Advantages and Limitations of Satellites for Air Pollution Limitations Lack of specificity about some pollutants Resolution and temporal scales sometimes too large Vertical layer sometimes not clear (sum over column of air), need lidar Large complex datasets difficult to acquire and use New satellite sensors will help address some of the limitations

11 International Applications lHemispheric, regional, country, and urban scales lImproved qualitative and quantitative air quality monitoring  Remote areas without monitors  Ground-based network supplementation & validation  Characterization of large-scale sources and intercontinental & regional transport lAir quality visualization  Eye-catching for policymakers

12 Sources- Listed at Sensor Site Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Data Sites NASA Goddard Space Flight Center DAAC NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center NASA Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution Center Imagery Sites UMBC-SERVIR AOD site NASA Earth Observatory NASA Visible Earth NOAA Operational Significant Event Imagery U.S. Air Quality (“Smog Blog”)

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