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By Leah Jardine-Thompson

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1 By Leah Jardine-Thompson
Space By Leah Jardine-Thompson

2 The Moon

3 After the Sun, our Moon is the biggest brightest object in the sky
After the Sun, our Moon is the biggest brightest object in the sky. It is 25,000 times brighter than the brightest star, so bright you can see it in daylight. Yet the Moon does not make any light itself it just reflects light from the sun.

4 Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon in Some say that the first man on the Moon was a fake. From my experience of watching a documentary I'm a little bit convinced my self.

5 Moon Statistics Size (diameter): 2,156 miles/3,470 km
Distance from Earth: ,600 miles/384 ,000 km Day (rotation): days, 8 hours Time to orbit Earth: days,8 hours Full Moon to Full Moon: days, 12 hours Temperature: Day 107 dc Night-153 dc


7 We think our Earth is a pretty important planet, but in fact we live on a piece of dirt. Our Solar System is really just the sun with a few pieces left over, and we live on one of those pieces.

8 Sun Statistics Size (diameter): 870,000 miles/1,400,000km
Surface temperature: ,800 dc Core temperature: ,ooo,ooo Dc Rotation(spin time): days Distance from Earth: , 000,000 miles/150,000,000 km Time for light to reach Earth: minutes , 20 seconds

9 Mercury

10 Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun, looks like the moon
Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun, looks like the moon. It is a small, rocky world and, like our Moon it’s covered in craters. Space rocks crashing into Mercury long ago made these craters.

11 Mercury Statistics Size (diameter): 3,000 miles/4,900 km
Distance from Sun: million miles 58 million km Day(rotation): days Year(time to orbit the Sun): days Temperature: Day 420 dc Night-170 dc Moons: None


13 Venus is a Planet on fire. In size Venus is like Earth
Venus is a Planet on fire. In size Venus is like Earth. A day on Venus is 243 Earth days.

14 Venus Statistics Size (diameter): 7,521 miles/12,104 km
Distance from Sun: million miles 108 million km Day(rotation): days Year(time to orbit the Sun): days Temperature: dc Moons: None

15 Earth

16 People say that an Earth day is 24 hours but it is actually 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds .

17 Earth Statistics Size (diameter): 7,926 miles/12,756 km
Distance from Sun: million miles 150 million km Day(rotation): hours 56 minutes 4 seconds Year(time to orbit the Sun): ,25 days Temperature: dc average Moons:


19 Mars is probably the most exciting planet in the solar system
Mars is probably the most exciting planet in the solar system. It’s certainly the world most visited by robot spacecraft. Although it’s smaller and cooler than Earth ,Mars might just be warm enough for life.

20 Earth Statistics Size (diameter): 4,225 miles/6,800 km
Distance from Sun: million miles 228 million km Day(rotation): hours 37 minutes Year(time to orbit the Sun): days Temperature: dc to -137 dc Moons:


22 Jupiter is truly a giant planet
Jupiter is truly a giant planet. All the other planets in the solar system could fit inside Jupiter and there would still be room to spare, and it could swallow 1,300 Earths.

23 Jupiter Statistics Size (diameter): 88,200 miles/142,000 km
Distance from Sun: million miles 778 million km Day(rotation): hours 50 minutes Year(time to orbit the Sun): years Temperature: dc Moons:

24 Satrn

25 Saturn, the second biggest planet in the solar system, is also the most beautiful because of its wonderful rings.

26 Jupiter Statistics Size (diameter): 75,000 miles/120,000 km
Distance from Sun: million miles 1,430 million km Day(rotation): hours 14 minutes Year(time to orbit the Sun): years Temperature: dc Moons:


28 Uranus Statistics Size (diameter): 32,000 miles/51,000 km
Distance from Sun: ,783 million miles 2,870 million km Day(rotation): hours 14 minutes Year(time to orbit the Sun): years Temperature: dc Moons:


30 Uranus Statistics Size (diameter): 31,400 miles/50,500, km
Distance from Sun: ,800 million miles 4,500 million km Day(rotation): hours 7 minutes Year(time to orbit the Sun): years Temperature: dc Moons:

31 Pluto

32 Uranus Statistics Size (diameter): 1,370 miles/2,200, km
Distance from Sun: ,670 million miles 5,900 million km Day(rotation): days 9 hours Year(time to orbit the Sun): years Temperature: dc Moons:

33 Thanks for watching

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