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The Age of Absolutism in Europe 1600-1715. Europe during the Age of Absolutism.

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1 The Age of Absolutism in Europe 1600-1715

2 Europe during the Age of Absolutism

3 The Thirty Year ’ s War Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Changed the way countries dealt with one another – national sovereignty was respected for the first time Changed the way countries dealt with one another – national sovereignty was respected for the first time England and France became the two dominant powers of the 17 th Century and led the revolutions in science, philosophy and political theory England and France became the two dominant powers of the 17 th Century and led the revolutions in science, philosophy and political theory

4 Revolutions in Thought The gulf between the church and science widened in the 17 th Century The gulf between the church and science widened in the 17 th Century In 1633 Galileo was tried before the church for his theories of heliocentrism (the sun not the earth was the center of the universe) In 1633 Galileo was tried before the church for his theories of heliocentrism (the sun not the earth was the center of the universe) Galileo defied the church and was tortured into silence Galileo defied the church and was tortured into silence

5 The Scientific Revolution From mid 16 th to the beginning of the 18 th Century, a revolution in science would challenge how Europeans perceived themselves and the universe Empiricism: Also called the “Scientific Method” involved: Observation and description of a phenomenon Empiricism: Also called the “Scientific Method” involved: Observation and description of a phenomenon Formulation of a hypothesis to explain the phenomena Formulation of a hypothesis to explain the phenomena Experimentation to test the hypothesis Experimentation to test the hypothesis

6 The Scientific Method and The Birth of Modern Philosophy For centuries it was believed that truths were arrived at by studying the Bible For centuries it was believed that truths were arrived at by studying the Bible The 17 th Century saw a rise in systematic skepticism, experimentation, and reasoning based on observed facts and mathematical laws The 17 th Century saw a rise in systematic skepticism, experimentation, and reasoning based on observed facts and mathematical laws Francis Bacon – direct observation was essential to ascertain truth Francis Bacon – direct observation was essential to ascertain truth Rene Descartes – applied mathematical methods and reasoning to philosophy Rene Descartes – applied mathematical methods and reasoning to philosophy

7 Faith or Reason For some these new found ways of discovering, understanding and describing the world through observation, experimentation and mathematical formulas seemed to challenge God’s existence and special relationship with humanity. For some these new found ways of discovering, understanding and describing the world through observation, experimentation and mathematical formulas seemed to challenge God’s existence and special relationship with humanity.

8 Faith AND Reason For many of the scientists themselves it was not a problem. Many were Deists: God created the world (Intelligent design) but is not directly involved in overseeing it. Not a personal view of God. Mechanical view of the Universe.

9 “I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them” Galileo “I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them” Galileo

10 Newton “This most beautiful System of the Sun, Planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being…This Being governs all things, as Lord over all…And from his true dominion it follows, that the true God is a Living, Intelligent and Powerful Being. He is Eternal and Infinite, Omnipotent and Omniscient…he endures for ever, and is every where present…” “This most beautiful System of the Sun, Planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being…This Being governs all things, as Lord over all…And from his true dominion it follows, that the true God is a Living, Intelligent and Powerful Being. He is Eternal and Infinite, Omnipotent and Omniscient…he endures for ever, and is every where present…”

11 The Questions Keep Coming No longer just religion and the Universe but now questions about who has the right to rule were being raised. Two English thinkers would be at the centre of the conversation. Two English thinkers would be at the centre of the conversation. One representing a system we now call Absolutism One representing a system we now call Absolutism The other proposing a system we now call Constitutionalism The other proposing a system we now call Constitutionalism

12 John Locke (1632 – 1704) English philosopher English philosopher Believed that over time people would join together to benefit from cooperation Believed that over time people would join together to benefit from cooperation Through a Social Contract, sovereignty would remain with the people Through a Social Contract, sovereignty would remain with the people

13 Thomas Hobbes (1588 –1679) English philosopher English philosopher Wrote Leviathan – life began in a state of nature Wrote Leviathan – life began in a state of nature Man is inherently selfish and aggressive Man is inherently selfish and aggressive Left on own, chaos and conflict would rule Left on own, chaos and conflict would rule Citizens need law and to follow a sovereign to avoid chaos Citizens need law and to follow a sovereign to avoid chaos

14 Centralisation Hobbes Absolutism provided a way for kings to institutionalize rules to bring peace and stability in place of the fragmentation of feudalism and set up NORMS through a centralized authority. Hobbes Absolutism provided a way for kings to institutionalize rules to bring peace and stability in place of the fragmentation of feudalism and set up NORMS through a centralized authority. Helped deal with a patchwork of local jurisdictions, provincial dialects, different economic codes. Helped deal with a patchwork of local jurisdictions, provincial dialects, different economic codes.

15 Absolutism in France Louis XIV epitomized the absolutist belief that the monarchy personified the state Louis XIV epitomized the absolutist belief that the monarchy personified the state Absolutism was created under Cardinal Richelieu (Louis XIII) who secularized France and fostered loyalty to the French state Absolutism was created under Cardinal Richelieu (Louis XIII) who secularized France and fostered loyalty to the French state

16 Absolutism in France cont. Cardinal Richelieu centralized power by alienating the nobility Cardinal Richelieu centralized power by alienating the nobility The greatest threat to the monarchy was the nobility The greatest threat to the monarchy was the nobility Monarchs created standing armies for the first time Monarchs created standing armies for the first time Louis XIV built the Palace of Versailles as a testament to his power and used it to gain control of the nobility Louis XIV built the Palace of Versailles as a testament to his power and used it to gain control of the nobility

17 Palace of Versailles

18 Versailles Grande Gallerie Daily routines at Versailles were exploited by Louis XIV The nobility competed against each other to perform menial tasks for the king

19 Palace Gardens

20 Louis XIV and the Arts Moliere, France ’ s greatest playwright in the 17 th Century Moliere, France ’ s greatest playwright in the 17 th Century Mocked and alienated the aristrocracy in his plays Mocked and alienated the aristrocracy in his plays Received support and funding from Louis XIV Received support and funding from Louis XIV

21 Absolutism in Eastern Europe Tsar Peter I (Peter the Great) of Russia Modernized Russia through Westernization Taxed his subjects heavily to pay for his projects Killed 1000 members of streltsy when they tried to depose him

22 17 th Century England Constitutionalism not Absolutism ruled Constitutionalism not Absolutism ruled English monarchs held accountable to Parliament English monarchs held accountable to Parliament James I (1603-1625) supported absolute rule James I (1603-1625) supported absolute rule Charles I (1625-1649) fought with Parliament over money for his wars with Spain Charles I (1625-1649) fought with Parliament over money for his wars with Spain Charles II (1660-1685) learned the lessons of his predecessors – don ’ t mess with Parliament Charles II (1660-1685) learned the lessons of his predecessors – don ’ t mess with Parliament James II (1685-1688) was an unpopular king because of his open Catholicism and return to absolute rule James II (1685-1688) was an unpopular king because of his open Catholicism and return to absolute rule

23 The Glorious Revolution (1688) William of Orange, the Dutch monarch was asked by the English people to depose their king, James II William of Orange, the Dutch monarch was asked by the English people to depose their king, James II A bloodless coup ensued as James II fled England A bloodless coup ensued as James II fled England Parliament now reigned supreme Parliament now reigned supreme The Bill of Rights (1689) outlined the powers and rights of Parliament The Bill of Rights (1689) outlined the powers and rights of Parliament

24 Works Cited Google Images Google Images Legacy by Garfield Newman Legacy by Garfield Newman

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