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CHAPTER 11 Section 1:Civil War and Revolution Section 2:Constitutional Monarchy in England Section 3:English Colonial Expansion Section 4: The Enlightenment.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 11 Section 1:Civil War and Revolution Section 2:Constitutional Monarchy in England Section 3:English Colonial Expansion Section 4: The Enlightenment."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 11 Section 1:Civil War and Revolution Section 2:Constitutional Monarchy in England Section 3:English Colonial Expansion Section 4: The Enlightenment Section 5: The American Revolution Enlightenment and Revolution in England and America

2 SECTION 2 11.2 Bell Ringer Question: What laws did Parliament create to protect against arbitrary rule? Constitutional Monarchy in England

3 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England After Oliver Cromwell's death in 1658 and the subsequent collapse of the Commonwealth in 1660, Charles II was restored to the English throne.

4 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Charles II The Merry Monarch England was overjoyed at having a monarch again. However, royal powers and privileges were severely limited by Parliament.

5 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Charles ’ reign was beset by many problems.

6 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Killed an estimated 100,000 people, 20% of London's population 1665 Bubonic Plague

7 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Great Fire of London 1666 80% of the city was destroyed.

8 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Problem of Succession... Charles did not have any children. His heir would be his brother – James. But James was a CATHOLIC …. RUTROW!

9 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Charles died and his brother is crowned James II. Almost immediately, he starts aggravating Parliament with his ideas of absolute rule of the king. How long do you think Parliament put up with THAT?

10 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England William III Mary II

11 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Changes in the ways people thought about gov ’ t Thomas Hobbes John Locke Let ’ s compare the ideas of Hobbes and Locke. Draw up a two column chart for these gentlemen.

12 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Thomas Hobbes Unwritten social contract gave the leader absolute power People only kept the right to protect their own lives Wrote Leviathan 1651

13 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England John Locke People only gave up some rights Life, liberty and the right to own property A ruler (gov ’ t) who violated these rights had broken the social contract and could justly be overthrown. Wrote Two Treatises of Government 1689

14 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England The ideas of Hobbes and Locke inspired changes in how government worked …. Parliament began to put safeguards into law so that their rights as citizens could be protected.

15 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England With those safeguards, we now see the growth of Parliamentary Rule in England. No more divine right of king! Parliament held most of the power. The Cabinet: officers of state chosen from leaders in Parliament Act of Union 1707 created Great Britain Sir Robert Walpole – first Prime Minister

16 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Limited Constitutional Monarchy The government of England will now be a Limited Constitutional Monarchy. The monarch remained Britain ’ s head of state. Royal powers were clearly limited. The Prime Minister was pretty much the real head of government because the king ’ s power had been reduced.

17 SECTION 2 Constitutional Monarchy in England Now it is time for your quiz. Grab your notes and a pencil. Do not use your textbook!

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