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18 th Century. List the rights that you value. If these rights were taken away, what means would you go to get them back?

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Presentation on theme: "18 th Century. List the rights that you value. If these rights were taken away, what means would you go to get them back?"— Presentation transcript:

1 18 th Century

2 List the rights that you value. If these rights were taken away, what means would you go to get them back?

3 Occurred during the 1700’s Middle class movement Led to scientific, political, and social advances Stressed the reason to question previous doctrines

4 Moral or inalienable rights Not contingent upon laws, customs, or beliefs of a particular society Different from legal rights, which are held by legal statutes by some type of legislature

5 Founders of American government considered their ideas Many of their ideas, words and concepts were used in the formation of our own government and legislature

6 Lived between 1632-1704 English philosopher Wrote the Two Treatises of Government Believed that by nature, people had certain rights and duties Natural rights (liberty (freedom), life and property) People formed government to protect these rights People could change the government if it failed to protect their rights

7 Lived between 1588-1679 England He believed people needed to come together under a govt. Without govt., there would be conflict and war Govt. could be a monarchy or strong body Govt. should fight to protect its people, which would help them better serve their families and govt. Wrote Leviathan- idea of social contract

8 Lived between 1689-1755 French Philosopher Wrote The Spirit of Laws Govt.’s purpose is to bring freedom/liberty Govt. should be in three branches with their own powers Citizens would live freely, laws would treat them equally, people would feel safe

9 Swiss/French Philosopher Wrote The Social Contract Believed that people are good, people give the govt. the power Individuals give up some of their rights for common good or what is best for the society Citizens contribute to the “general will”, serve everyone If the govt. fails the people, they have the right to overthrow the govt.

10 French Philosopher Wrote Candide Freedom of thought was the most important Did not trust democracy Believed only an enlightened monarch could bring change Fought for civil rights-fair trial/freedom of religion King’s best interest to improve the power and wealth of his people and kingdom

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