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African Civilization EQs: 1) How did geography influence Africa’s development? 2) Where were Africa’s trading kingdoms? 3) How was Islam introduced to.

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Presentation on theme: "African Civilization EQs: 1) How did geography influence Africa’s development? 2) Where were Africa’s trading kingdoms? 3) How was Islam introduced to."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Civilization EQs: 1) How did geography influence Africa’s development? 2) Where were Africa’s trading kingdoms? 3) How was Islam introduced to Africa? 4) Who was Mansa Musa?

2 Africa’s Geography & Its Effects Remember, 40-40-10-10 (varied climates & terrains)! Hardly any usable natural harbors Interior is a high plateau = rivers flow down to the coast & are filled w/ rapids Travel is difficult & done mainly to trade Geographic diversity & natural barriers lead to numerous cultures being developed

3 Traditional Societies Village gov’t –Power shared among community members –Village decisions made by consensus & open discussion Family Patterns; group over the individual –Nuclear families = parents & children work & live together as a unit –More commonly, several generations lived in one household; extended families form clans –Community values enhanced by clan identification

4 Religion Variety of beliefs across Africa Early Africans were polytheistic Some believe spirits of the dead are present among the living Animism: every living & nonliving thing in nature has a spirit Islam: becomes an important social and religious force as kingdoms rise and fall

5 Trading Kingdoms West Africa –Ghana (800-1000) –Mali (1200-1450) –Songhai (1450-1600) East Africa –Axum Located on Red Sea Merging of cultures Judaism & Christianity introduced What was traded? –Salt & Gold –Salt from the Sahara traded for gold from the savanna regions –Iron, copper & other minerals

6 MANSA MUSA & TIMBUKTU Mansa Musa was Mali’s most powerful ruler Borders were extended & his warriors protected & controlled the land Mansa Musa converted to Islam & made a pilgrimage to Mecca Mansa Musa builds a university in Timbuktu & students of Islam travel from all over the Muslim world to study there By the 1400s, Timbuktu is a leading center of learning

7 Mansa Musa: Depiction of him holding a gold nugget, created c. 1375

8 Sankore Mosque in Timbuktu

9 Discovery of Timbuktu by westerners; c. mid-1800s

10 Africa & Global Trade Seas link continents –Mediterranean –Red Sea Ocean –Indian ocean Goods make their way to African coasts and then traded across the seas Hausa-1300s-the Hausa people built city-states in present day Nigeria –Caravans across the Sahara –Dominate Saharan trade routes by 1500 Benin-people from coastal rainforest in Guinea –Trade ivory, pepper, & slaves –Cast bronze & brass

11 East African City-States 600CE=Arab & Persian merchants set up trading communities 1000CE=port cities (like Mogadishu) trading w/India Slaves captured inland and sold to Persian merchants Trade leads to mixing of cultures Swahili = the language spoken by the people of this blended culture –Arabic words mixed with Bantu words

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