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Regents Review Imperialism. Imperialism Definition: when one country takes over another country (mother country/ colony). Forms of Imperialism: Protectorate,

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Presentation on theme: "Regents Review Imperialism. Imperialism Definition: when one country takes over another country (mother country/ colony). Forms of Imperialism: Protectorate,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regents Review Imperialism

2 Imperialism Definition: when one country takes over another country (mother country/ colony). Forms of Imperialism: Protectorate, Colonization, Sphere of Influence, Mandate. Reasons- Old Imperialism- Gold, God & Glory. Reasons- New Imperialism- Industrial Revolution, raw materials & markets for goods.

3 Imperialism Imperialism- A stronger country takes over a weaker country. Forms of Imperialism: Mandate, Sphere of Influence, Colonization & Protectorate. Old- 3 G’s- gold, god and glory New- natural resources and markets for goods.

4 Africa Scramble for Africa- race by Europeans to claim colonies in Africa. Wanted raw materials and markets for goods. White Man’s Burden- belief that European culture is superior and they are obligated to spread it. Divided Africa without concern for tribal groups.

5 Latin America Spanish wanted the riches of the new world. Gold, God and Glory. Viceroy system Class structure- Peninsulares, Creoles, mestizos. Mercantilism

6 India British ruled India- viceroy system Imposed high taxes. Outlaws sati Destroyed cottage industries. Forced to buy British manufactured goods. Sepoy rebellion.

7 Japan No natural resources Led to imperialism Want to industrialize Took over Manchuria-China. Cause of WWII

8 World War I Industrial Revolution created a need for raw materials and markets for goods. European nations competed for colonies in Africa and Asia.

9 World War II Germany took over- Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Italy took over Ethiopia. Japan took China

10 China The Opium War- Chinese defeated by British. Treaty of Nanking. Sphere of Influence- economic control over a region. Open Door Policy- Secretary of State John Hay- equal trading rights in China. Boxer Rebellion- killed foreigners.

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