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Making the MAP Connection Kim White, Curriculum Specialist Henderson County Schools June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the MAP Connection Kim White, Curriculum Specialist Henderson County Schools June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the MAP Connection Kim White, Curriculum Specialist Henderson County Schools June 2010

2 Compass Learning Odyssey Anywhere with Internet access Anytime 24/7 All students

3 What is it? Internet-based software program and data management system Research-based curriculum and formative assessment aligned to national and state standards for primary and secondary Content areas of reading, math, science, social studies Includes language arts extensions, brain buzzers, thematic units, pre-school themed curriculum

4 How do teachers use it? Build differentiated lessons for students to use individually (acceleration or intervention) Guide instruction with whole class lesson on concept or objective Use with small groups (acceleration or intervention) on concept or objective Monitor student progress

5 How do students use it? Access Internet User name and password Teacher direction on assignments Track progress

6 How do parents use it? Access child’s account Child can accelerate Child can catch up Review skills or concepts Monitor progress

7 Curriculum in CLO Odyssey Curriculum based on national standards Explorer Curriculum (formative assessments to create learning paths) Math Intervention (grades 5-6) NWEA by Goal RIT Bands (Learning Path) State standards

8 NWEA to CLO Link Administer MAP test to students Close testing window Data uploaded from NWEA to CLO In 2-3 weeks students have individualized folders of assignments based on their goal strand scores in reading, math, and language usage (Grades 2 and up)

9 Let’s look at the program…
















25 Compass Learning Odyssey Skills and concepts are taught through engaging activities Skills and concepts are formatively assessed through learning activities and quizzes Skills and concepts can be assessed through summative assessments as well Strong connection between how MAP questions are formulated

26 Contact Information Kim White Curriculum Specialist Henderson County Schools 270-831-5136

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