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0404 IAT 102 Graphic Design. 0404 Design Basics Art Nouveau Modernism and New Typography Short Break----- (TA) Presenting (TA) Photoshop Demo: cloning.

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Presentation on theme: "0404 IAT 102 Graphic Design. 0404 Design Basics Art Nouveau Modernism and New Typography Short Break----- (TA) Presenting (TA) Photoshop Demo: cloning."— Presentation transcript:

1 0404 IAT 102 Graphic Design

2 0404 Design Basics Art Nouveau Modernism and New Typography Short Break----- (TA) Presenting (TA) Photoshop Demo: cloning tool, cropping, importing images to InDesign + Resources: Online tutorials

3 Design Basics

4 justified

5 unjustified

6 right alignment

7 centered

8 random

9 what’s a good rag? Credits: Rahel Arnold, Valeria Bonin

10 15-20% of line length

11 right- and center-aligned: difficult to read

12 avoid stairs and blocks


14 avoid isolated words

15 avoid holes

16 Small rag: rhythm not interesting

17 Separating a paragraph

18 indicators

19 Emphasis

20 emphasis





25 Art Nouveau: Nature + Style

26 Germany: Van de Velde’s famous Tropon Ad ( c.1895 A.D)

27 Czech Republic: Bieres de la Meuse (1897 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha

28 Job Cigarette Girl (1897 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha

29 Bicycle Ad (1897 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha

30 Sarah Bernhardt in Gismonda (1894), La Tosca (1897) + La Samaritaine (1899) Alphonse Mucha

31 Playing Card Design (c.1900 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha

32 Princess Hyacinth – theatre poster (1910 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha

33 Germany: The Kiss (1898 A.D.) Peter Behrens

34 Modernism and New Typography

35 Malevich: Aeroplane Flying (Russia) 1915

36 Malevich: The Black Square, 1913

37 Mondrian (NL, De Stijl): Composition With Gray And Light Brown, 1918

38 Mondrian (NL, De Stijl): Composition with Red Blue and Yellow, 1930

39 El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): Catalog cover

40 Constructivism: - originated in Russia, 1921 - no more “Art for Art’s sake” (l’art pour l’art) - industrial design, graphic design, poster, books - many links to De Stijl (NL), Bauhaus (Germany), Dada (Switzerland / Germany) - geometric shapes, mathematic proportions - functional, no ornaments

41 El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): Poem, 1923


43 El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): The Isms of Art, 1924

44 El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): "Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge" (1919)

45 El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): Advertisment for Pelikan, Ink

46 Typographische Mitteilungen, 1915

47 Jan Tschichold (Germany): Typographische Mitteilungen, 1925

48 Jan Tschichold (Germany): Elementary Typography

49 Jan Tschichold (Germany): The New Typography, 1928

50 Jan Tschichold (Germany)

51 Jan Tschichold (Germany), late works: traditional typography, humanist tradition

52 1928 Tschichold New Typography 50-60ies Ruder White Space 1961 Muller-Brockmann The Grid

53 fin

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