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Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology. The Tennis Ball Challenge Your task: You and your team of 4 need to devise a plan to all touch a tennis ball within.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology. The Tennis Ball Challenge Your task: You and your team of 4 need to devise a plan to all touch a tennis ball within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology

2 The Tennis Ball Challenge Your task: You and your team of 4 need to devise a plan to all touch a tennis ball within 1 second. No two people can touch the tennis ball at the same time. Time your group and take the challenge. We will then come together as a class to take the next tennis ball challenge. How can all members of this class touch the tennis ball within 2 seconds? Debrief: What did you and your classmates do to overcome this challenge?

3 The 3 Step Interview- Making Connections 1.) On your notecard do the following: What is one thing you wonder about the human body? What interests you most. Limit this to 3 of your favorites. What is your greatest fear? What characteristics are unique to you?

4 At your table do the following: 2.) Take colored yarn and link to people in your group who have common interests, common fears and common characteristics.

5 And Finally: 3.) Team up with another table and continue to make links to the notecards of the next table group.

6 Follow up: 1.) What conclusions can your group of 8 draw from this activity? 2.) What common “threads” do you notice within your group? 3.) What differences do you notice? How can we as a class appreciate our diversity and utilize our differences in a positive way? 4.) Make a statement in your notebook about what a community means to you.

7 Remind 101/Materials/Website What is remind 101? A third party that allows me to send you text message reminders. Text to the following number: 81010 Message: @d47406 Answer prompts from the return text to you. You will need a 3 ring binder with a section for physiology AND a spiral bound notebook. My website has everything you need, every day to know what is going on in class and for homework. USE IT!

8 Letter to Me Activity Your homework assignment will be to write a letter to me My Letter to you What might you include in your letter to me: A bit about you and your family Experiences/struggles in past science classes and at Drake in general Interests/hobbies Describe how you learn best Anything you think I should know about you that is special.

9 Our Physiology Classroom What is homeostasis? Give an example of homeostasis in the body.

10 Homeostasis

11 Creating a Balanced Community Make an analogy between homeostasis in the body and homeostasis in a classroom. How do we maintain homeostasis in our classroom so that we create a classroom community that values a growth mindset and promotes learning? Brain Plasticity Video


13 Fixed vs Growth Mindset

14 Sir Francis Drake’s Mission Statement We are a community of learners dedicated to academic growth. We are innovative and creative. We challenge all learners to be hard working, daring, and committed. We create a respectful, responsible, and reflective community. We empower all to make a difference locally and globally. We Are Sir Francis Drake High School.

15 Today we will build the following: Our class MISSION STATEMENT Our class: DIGITAL CODE OF CONDUCT Our class: Norms Our class: Protocol for checking each other

16 How will we build these community agreements In your table group discuss ideas for what you would like to have in the area assigned to your group Make a list of your group’s ideas on poster paper. Put up your poster Share out your groups ideas. Gallery walk, give feedback using post its

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