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T WIN S PACE eTwinning France - November 2014. W HAT FOR ? A safe, online space for all project partners: teachers, pupils, visitors Share documents,

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Presentation on theme: "T WIN S PACE eTwinning France - November 2014. W HAT FOR ? A safe, online space for all project partners: teachers, pupils, visitors Share documents,"— Presentation transcript:

1 T WIN S PACE eTwinning France - November 2014

2 W HAT FOR ? A safe, online space for all project partners: teachers, pupils, visitors Share documents, communicate Organize and run activities for the project Publish the project results eTwinning France - November 2014

3 S ECTIONS OF THE T WINSPACE Home: overview of activity on the Twinspace Pages: share activities, results, … private or public Materials: share photos, videos, other files Forums: exchanges between pupils Chat: live chat for Twinspace Members: manage members, invite pupils eTwinning France - November 2014

4 H OME Introduce the project Private forum for teachers Public forum to share with parents, etc. Link to view the public version of the TS eTwinning France - November 2014

5 P AGES eTwinning France - November 2014

6 P AGES Private page for teachers: activity plans, calendar, etc. Pages for Twinspace members: share some important materials, run some activities Integrate photos/videos/documents, integrate outside tools Publish project results for wider audience, if you want eTwinning France - November 2014

7 M ATERIALS Share and organize: photos, videos, other documents (.doc, ppt…) The documents can be displayed in other parts of the Twinspace (pages, forums) eTwinning France - November 2014

8 F ORUMS Exchanges between pupils Organize pupil collaborative work (for example, small group discussions for an activity) eTwinning France - November 2014

9 M EMBERS Manage teacher roles Invite, manage pupils Invite visitors Invite teachers from outside eTwinning Send message to all TwinSpace members eTwinning France - November 2014

10 A ND … Group chat, download 3-month history from chat Change the colors of the Twinspace Easily change the language, go back to Desktop Pupils log in at eTwinning France - November 2014

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