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Achieving Kantian Peace in the European Union Al James Untalan International Studies Department De La Salle University, Philippines.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Kantian Peace in the European Union Al James Untalan International Studies Department De La Salle University, Philippines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Kantian Peace in the European Union Al James Untalan International Studies Department De La Salle University, Philippines

2 Treaty of Peace Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch Immanuel Kant PACTUM PACIS League of Peace FOEDES PACIFICUM

3 REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION rule of law, participation of citizens PACIFIC UNION to implement international law COSMOPOLITAN LAW binding mutual interest DEMOCRACY ORGANIZATION INTERDEPENDENCE Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch Immanuel Kant

4 Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch Immanuel Kant DEMOCRACY ORGANIZATION INTERDEPENDENCE PEACE KANTIAN TRIANGLE triangulating peace

5 Applying the Kantian Triangle to Europe case of the European Union

6 Applying the Kantian Triangle to Europe case of the European Union DEMOCRACY 27 member states are democratic Criteria for accession Citizens’ Initiative Article 237 Treaty of Rome Article 49 Treaty of Maastricht 1993 Copenhagen Criteria

7 Applying the Kantian Triangle to Europe case of the European Union ORGANIZATION Council of the EU Council of Ministers European Parliament Commission, ECJ, ECB

8 Applying the Kantian Triangle to Europe case of the European Union INTERDEPENDENCE Acquis Communautaire Free mobility of people Eurozone European Identity

9 DEMOCRACY ORGANIZATION INTERDEPENDENCE PEACE Applying the Kantian Triangle to Europe case of the European Union 27 member states are democratic Criteria for accession Citizens’ Initiative Council of the EU Council of Ministers European Parliament Commission, ECJ, ECB Acquis Communautaire, Free mobility of people, Eurozone, European Identity

10 Achieving Kantian Peace in the European Union Al James Untalan International Studies Department De La Salle University, Philippines

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