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RTF Custom Protocols: Background, Issues and Critical Elements February 8, 2012 Regional Technical Forum Subcommittee on Impact Evaluation and Custom Protocol.

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Presentation on theme: "RTF Custom Protocols: Background, Issues and Critical Elements February 8, 2012 Regional Technical Forum Subcommittee on Impact Evaluation and Custom Protocol."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTF Custom Protocols: Background, Issues and Critical Elements February 8, 2012 Regional Technical Forum Subcommittee on Impact Evaluation and Custom Protocol Presented by: Michael Baker, SBW Consulting, Inc. Jeffrey Romberger, SBW Consulting, Inc. Richard Ridge, Ridge and Associates

2 How do the Existing RTF Guidelines address Custom Protocol measures Scope and Purpose – Definition of Method  Custom protocols are appropriate for measures that require site- specific data collection and analysis in order to develop a reliable estimate of savings. Highly skilled and experienced practitioners are required … Custom protocols require site-specific documentation of the data collected and how that data are used in estimating savings. Measure Specification - Baseline  Current practice  Pre-condition Custom Protocol – Guidance and Requirements  Required Knowledge and Skills of Practitioner  Site-Specific Savings Estimation Plan  Site-Specific Savings Report February 8, 2012 2

3 Assumptions Applicable to a broad range of non-residential measures Independent of program design  Program administrators can add to the RTF requirements as needed by their program Site-specific  Program impact evaluation appendix would handle projects that involve multiple sites Does not address economic analysis or reporting  Incremental cost  Measure life  Energy costs (customer or utility)  Non-energy benefits 3 February 8, 2012

4 How High A Bar Should We Set? Cost limits Exempt sites below some size threshold? Set maximum percentage of savings value? IPMVP adherence Post-period trend logs for important parameters that are time variant Measure commissioning (installation and operation) Baseline trend logs for important parameters Prepared by or supervised by persons with relevant design / operational experience Transparent savings estimation Public access to primary data, modeling and reports Quantitative analysis of estimation uncertainties 4 February 8, 2012

5 How to Achieve Comparability with RTF UES Measures Primary issue is baseline definition Guidelines define to types of baseline  Current Practice new equipment or practices…no remaining useful life…characterized by current market practice or the minimum requirements of applicable codes or standards, whichever is more efficient  Pre-Conditions measure-affected equipment or practice still has remaining useful life…typical existing conditions found among eligible end users How should custom measures treat Current Practice baseline  Code if applicable  Interview the customer about their standard practice  Collect broader market data 5 February 8, 2012

6 Summary of Recent BPA Protocol / Guidelines Project Background Research  Review of BPA current practices  Analysis of national best practices Three Guidelines  Protocol selection  Regression  Sampling Six Protocols 6 February 8, 2012

7 International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) IPMVP Options  A. Retrofit Isolation: Key Parameter Measurement  B. Retrofit Isolation: All Parameter Measurement  C. Whole Facility (or sub-facility)  D. Calibrated Simulation Not mentioned in current RTF Guidelines BPA has both adherent and non-adherent protocols and explains in detail relationship to IPMVP requirements for A, B and C. No adherent protocol for D. 7 February 8, 2012

8 BPA Protocols One that is Not IPMVP-Adherent  Energy Calculation with Verification - ECwV (<200,000 kWh or special cases) Engineering Calculation - existing buildings Simulation - existing and new (including additions and major remodels) Five that are IPMVP-Adherent  Equipment or End-Use Metering Protocol (Opt. A and B)  End-Use Metering without Baseline (Opt. A)  Energy Use Indexing (Opt. B and C)  Energy Modeling (Opt. B and C)  Existing Building Commissioning (Opt. B and C) 8 February 8, 2012

9 BPA vs. RTF Documentation Requirements BPA RTF Guidelines Savings Estimation Plan  Not required Savings Estimation Report  Measure Description  Measure Commissioning  Data Collection  Sampling Procedure  Savings Estimation 9 February 8, 2012 M&V Plan and Report  Baseline Conditions  ECM Intent  Measurement Boundary  Selected BPA Protocol  Baseline Energy Use Measurements  Post-Installation Measurements  Description of Analysis Procedures  Responsibilities of Involved Parties  Savings Report Contents and Frequency

10 RTF Guidelines – Proposed Appendices App A: Guidelines Checklist App B: UES Measure Summary Sheet App C: Standard Protocol Example and Template (New) App D: Program Impact Evaluation Protocols (New) App E: Estimating Savings for Custom Measures (New) App F: Statistical Energy Modeling (New) App G: Physical Energy Modeling (New) App H: Sampling (New) App I: Glossary (New) App J: Curriculum Guide 10 February 8, 2012

11 Morphing BPA Guidelines/Protocols into RTF Guidelines Appendices App F: Statistical Energy Modeling  Site-Specific BPA Regression guideline Portions of other BPA protocols  Groups of Sites Cross-sectional Time-series cross-sectional App G: Physical Energy Modeling  Bin (based on BPA ECwV Protocol)  Simulation (based on BPA ECwV Protocol) App H: Sampling (based on BPA Sampling Guide) App I: Glossary (based on BPA Glossary) App J: Curriculum Guide (based on BPA examples throughout guidelines and protocols) 11 February 8, 2012

12 Outline for Appendix E – Estimating Savings for Custom Measures Purpose Eligible Measures Measures Description Measure Commissioning Savings Estimation Plan Sampling Techniques Data Collection Methods Savings Estimation Methods Savings Estimation Report Quality Control 12 February 8, 2012

13 Appendix J – Curriculum Guide Built on BPA examples throughout guidelines and protocols Partners  BOC  DOE  ASHRAE  AESP Format  On-line, self paced  Class-room 13 February 8, 2012

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