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ENUM Presentation to Large Business User Panel 26 September 2001 Justin Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "ENUM Presentation to Large Business User Panel 26 September 2001 Justin Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENUM Presentation to Large Business User Panel 26 September 2001 Justin Moore

2 What is ENUM? A number translation service Translates telephone numbers into other numbers and addresses Works in similar way to Domain Name System ENUM 020 7634 8859 0793 1234567

3 Uses of ENUM Might be used by intelligent end user device to find a SIP (VoIP) address ENUM 020 7634 8859 ENUM enabled SIP phone IP network

4 Uses of ENUM (2) Might be used by network operator to identify that the called party has a VoIP phone ENUM 020 7634 8859 Telephone PSTN SIP phone IP network VoIP gateway

5 ENUM myths ENUM is simply a way of solving an addressing problem does not integrate VoIP and PSTN networks (need a VoIP gateway) is not essential for VoIP/PSTN convergence But is there an addressing problem? use PSTN numbers for VoIP give people other addresses eg on business cards / vcards (it worked for email)

6 ENUM requirements ENUM infrastructure ENUM intelligence in terminal or network Population of ENUM database Need good chance of finding something Benefits to called party of populating database are not obvious Security and integrity of numbers in database

7 Oftel view No barriers to a competitive market developing Therefore leave to market forces Existing data protection and competition legislation should apply to ENUM services Question : is there a commercial case or end user demand?

8 Current position Lots of debate at ITU, IETF, ETSI about how infrastructure should be set up ENUM-like services being offered in US to facilitate bypass of long distance calls No commercial services in UK

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