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The Events That Led Up To The American Revolution

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1 The Events That Led Up To The American Revolution
By: Carson Rommel The Events That Led Up To The American Revolution

2 The Proclamation of 1763 The Proclamation of 1763 was established by King George III, on October 7, 1763. The proclamation declared that after the French and Indian War, that the colonist would have to stay inside the Appalachian Mountains to be guaranteed safety from the Native Americans. The colonist were very angered especially the new land owners who just bought land west of the mountains.

3 The Sugar Act The British Parliament established the Sugar Act on April 5, 1764. The Sugar Act lowered tax molasses and 3 cent tax on sugar. The colonist felt with this taxation that their rights as colonist were being violated. James Otis was a lawyer who said, “No taxation without representation.”

4 Stamp Act British Parliament introduced these acts in 1765.
It taxed all printed materials! Colonist thought it was time to take action. Eventually, Parliament gave in to the demands of the colonist.

5 Sons Of Liberty It was founded by Sam Adams in the summer of 1765 in Boston. They were founded to protest the Stamp Act. They also burned effigies of hated tax collectors.

6 Stamp act congress They met in March of 1766
There were nine delegates from the colonies and they met in New York City, New York. They drafted a petition to the king and Parliament declaring that the colonies couldn’t be taxed except by their own assemblies.

7 The declaratory act Parliament established this act in 1766.
It said the British had full control over taxes and decision making in the colonies. The colonist were infuriated.

8 Townshend Acts The British Parliament made these acts in 1767.
This took some of the taxes away from the Stamp Act, for which they thought the colonist would be grateful. This taxation taxed imported goods. The colonist were actually outraged to be taxed at all.

9 Daughters of Liberty The DOL was founded to support the boycott for British goods. The action they suggested was that everyone was to wear homemade clothing.

10 The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770, in Boston, Massachusetts. The protestors were provoking the British soldiers due to the amount of job loss, and the British fired upon them killing five colonist. Crispus Attuks was the first death, but Paul Revere decided he would spread the news to all the colonies.

11 Tea Act Parliament established this in 1773.
It allowed all companies to bypass colonist merchants

12 The Boston tea party It occurred on midnight of a cold December 16, 1773. The main offenders were the Stamp Act protestors. They all dressed as armed Mohawk Indians and threw 342 barrels of tea overboard.

13 Continental coNGress They met in September of 1774 in Philadelphia, PA. Three attendees were: John Jay, John Adams and George Washington. They realized they would have to work together. They established that they should boycott British goods and arm themselves against British.

14 Intolerable acts 1774 and 1765 Quebec Act: Extended Canadian border to cut off western colonies. Administration of Justice Act: Said British Officials couldn’t be tried in the colonies. Quartering Act: The king sent British troops over and colonist had to house and feed them. Massachusetts Government Act: The British Governor was in charge of all town meetings in Boston. Boston Port Bill: The King shut down Boston Harbor except to British ships.

15 Lexington and concord On April 18,1775, the battle of Lexington and Concord occurred. It was known as, “The Shot heard around the world.”

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