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Opening Scenario Two research I universities A & B Same requirements for admission of doctoral students into Ph.D. Science Education program. Upon graduation,

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Scenario Two research I universities A & B Same requirements for admission of doctoral students into Ph.D. Science Education program. Upon graduation,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Opening Scenario Two research I universities A & B Same requirements for admission of doctoral students into Ph.D. Science Education program. Upon graduation, graduates tend to take jobs at similar types of universities. The graduates of University A’s program are twice as likely to get tenure than are the graduates of University B. As the Dean of Graduate Education at University B, I want to know why. I have hired you as a research consultant to answer my question. What research questions would you ask and what data would you collect to answer these questions?

3 Goals Review types of Research approaches. Compare research approach, knowledge claims, strategies of inquiry (design) and methods. Describe common qualitative approaches Acknowledge mixed methods strategies Compare qualitative and quantitative approaches. Discuss assigned articles Practice observational skills; coding skills

4 What epistemology informs the research? Alternative knowledge claims Postpositivist Constructivist Emancipatory (Advocacy) Pragmatic Taken from Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

5 Qualitative approaches Ethnography - cultural group over a long period of time. Woolcott, H.F. A Kwakiutl village and school. Case study - study of program, process, individual (s) bounded by time. Phenomenology-Phenomenon as described by study participants Grounded theory - General abstract theory of process, action,interaction. Narrative- individuals provide stories about their lives and research restories them. Taken from Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

6 Mixed Methods Strategies Sequential - quantitative followed by qualitative or qualitative followed by a quantitative. (one informs the other) Concurrent - Quantitative and qualitative collected at same time. Transformative - Uses an overarching perspective - marginalized groups Taken from Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

7 Quantitative Qualitative Preference for precise hypothesis stated at the onset Data reduced to numerical scores Preference for precise description of procedures Assessment of reliability with reliance on statistical indices Preference for statistical summary of results Preference for random sampling Researcher generalizes from sample to population Fraenkel, J.R., & Wallen, N. E. (2003).How to design and evaluate research in education. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. Hypotheses emerge as study develops. Descriptions; direct quotes Design evolves Triangulation Interrater reliability Narrative Purposeful selection Reader decides on generalization

8 Observation & coding Take notes on what you observe Review transcripts Repeat several times Get together with partner and review observations. What codes emerge?

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