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Answers to question 6, 7, 8 Russian Delegation Visit 01. March 2010.

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1 Answers to question 6, 7, 8 Russian Delegation Visit 01. March 2010

2 As Background information for understanding the whole functioning, the following facts have to be considered:  There is a difference between supplier and Distribution System Operator. These are two completely independent companies.  The following explanations concentrate on the consumer, not on a residential who inject. (local generation)


4 question 8 - How the technological connection of consumers to the power grids is exercised?  The owner of the house makes a contract with a distribution system operator (the company that owns the grid) about physically connection to the grid.  The physically connection means a cable from the junction in the street to the junction box in the house. The meter is installed behind the junction box.  The resident (tenant or the owner of flat/house) makes a contract with a supplier of electricity. If not so, he is automatically in contract with the “basic” supplier (maybe similar to the Russian principle of “last instanz”). The contract with a basic supplier is often more expensive than with a chosen one.  Since 2009 the resident has had the possibility to choose a metering service company differing from the distribution system operator. A metering service company can be an independent company aside from distribution system operator and supplier, but often it is a supplier which offers metering services additionally.

5 question 6 - What is the real responsibility of the suppliers to the consumer for supply breakdowns or quality data breaches? :  The supplier has to buy enough, so he has to estimate well as possible the consumption of his customers. If not so, the distribution system operator delivers the missing amount and after that the supplier has to pay for it. (The other direction is also possible)  So the distribution system operator is responsible for exact allocation. He has to avoid interruption and he has to keep the frequency.

6 question 7 - Are there, in turn, consumers’ obligations and responsibilities to the electric power supply organization (except for the timely payment)?  Not in this way to avoid interruptions or to keep frequency. If you as a residential wanted to be connected to the grid, you have to name the amount of your consumption capacity.  There is the possibility to give incentives to the consumer through tariffication, so the consumer has to pay lower or higher prices e.g. in special time bands. Therefore you need an electronic meter (it could be realised with special mechanical meters for 2 – 3 time bands, too, but the electronic one offers more functionalities). As in point 6 above mentioned, in Germany you can choose a metering company which offers such meters. In most of the cases, the metering company is a supplier, too. So they can create interesting tariffication to a consumer using a new electronic meter and its functionalities.

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