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Coral Gables Senior High School Celebrating 25 Years as an IB WORLD SCHOOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Coral Gables Senior High School Celebrating 25 Years as an IB WORLD SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coral Gables Senior High School Celebrating 25 Years as an IB WORLD SCHOOL

2 Diploma Program Curriculum Language Arts Foreign Language Individuals & Societies Experimental Sciences Mathematics Arts & Electives Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge CAS Hours Group 1 Group 2 Group 4 Group 3Group 5 Group 6

3 IB Diploma Requirements HIGHER LEVEL (HL) EXAMS 3 Higher Level exams All 3 HL exams are taken senior year HIGHER LEVEL (HL) EXAMS 3 Higher Level exams All 3 HL exams are taken senior year Students must also complete: CAS, TOK & EE STANDARD LEVEL (SL) EXAMS 3 Standard Level exams Up to two can be taken junior year STANDARD LEVEL (SL) EXAMS 3 Standard Level exams Up to two can be taken junior year

4 IB Diploma Pass Rate 65% 56% 60% 54%

5 AP vs. IB Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate &

6 Dual Enrollment DE= Dual Enrollment Courses marked on subject selection sheet are FIU DE offered at CGHS Students may take any # of courses at either school outside of school hours

7 Virtual School NEW STATE MANDATE: Class 2015 Must take 1.0 Credit through virtual school before graduation Honors and AP courses available Course can be taken in or out of school (including summer break)

8 Group 1- Language Arts (HL) (9 th ) Pre- IB English I (10 th ) AP English Language (11 th ) AP English Literature (12 th ) IB English IV

9 IB Inquiry Skills Required 9 th grade IB course Enhances vocabulary & critical thinking Students learn how to develop a thesis statement Students learn proper research methods Course name updates to: Career Decision Making & Research

10 Group 2- Foreign Language Italian FrenchSpanish German Chinese

11 Group 3- History (HL) (9 th ) Pre-IB or AP World History (10 th ) AP European History (11 th ) AP American History (12 th ) IB Contemporary History HL

12 Group 3- History (SL) (9 th ) Pre-IB or AP World History (10 th ) AP European History (11 th ) IB Contemporary History (12th) Elective (History Recommended) HL

13 Group 4- Experimental Sciences Biology Chemistry Physics

14 Biology Track (9 th ) Pre IB Biology I (10 th ) Pre IB Chemistry I (11 th ) AP Biology (12 th ) IB Biology II (SL)

15 Chemistry Track (9 th ) Pre IB Biology I (10 th ) Pre IB Chemistry I (11 th ) AP Chemistry (12 th ) IB Chemistry II (SL)

16 Physics Track (9 th ) Pre IB Chemistry I (10 th ) Physics Honors (11 th ) AP Physics (12 th ) IB Physics II (SL)

17 Group 5- Mathematics Math Studies Integrated Math (75% Pre-Cal, 25% Calculus) Math Methods Calculus (75% Calculus, 25% Statistics) HL Mathematics Advanced Calculus & Statistics

18 Math Studies (9 th ) Honors Geometry (10 th ) Honors Algebra II (11 th ) Pre IB Math Studies I (12 th ) IB Math Studies II (SL) Integrated Math Track

19 Math Methods (9 th ) Honors Geometry/ H Alg II (10 th ) DE Pre Calculus (11 th ) AP Calculus AB (12 th ) IB Calculus (SL) Calculus Track

20 HL Mathematics (9 th ) H Geometry* / H Algebra II* (10 th ) DE Pre- Calculus /AP Calculus BC (11 th ) AP Calculus BC* / AP Statistics (12 th ) HL Mathematics Advanced Calculus & Statistics Track * Summer course required

21 Psychology Business Music Art 2 nd Foreign Language Computer Programming 2 nd Experimental Science Group 6- IB Electives

22 Group 6- Arts & Electives Theatre Film IB Elective for Class of 2015 NEW

23 Psychology (11 th ) IB Psychology I (SL) (12 th ) IB Psychology II (HL)

24 Business (10 th ) Legal Aspects of Business (11 th ) Accounting 1 (12 th ) IB Business Management (SL/HL)

25 Computer Science (9 th ) Computer Programming (HTML/JAVA) (10 th ) Computer Programming (C++/JAVA) (11 th ) AP Computer AB (12 th ) IB Computer Science (SL or HL)

26 Music (9 th ) Band I Pre IB Music I (10 th ) Marching/Concert Band II Pre IB Music II (11 th ) Marching/Concert Band III IB Music III & AP Music Theory (12 th ) Marching/Concert Band IV IB Music IV Instrumental Track

27 Music (9 th ) Vocal Ensemble I Pre IB Music I (10 th ) Vocal Ensemble II Pre IB Music II (11 th ) Vocal Ensemble III IB Music III & AP Music Theory (12 th ) Symphonic Band IV IB Music IV Vocal Track

28 Art (9 th ) Pre IB Art I (10 th ) AP Art History (11 th ) IB Visual Research Art I (12 th ) IB Visual Research Art II (SL) Research Track

29 Art (9 th ) Pre IB Art I (10 th ) AP Art History (11 th ) IB Art Studio I (12 th ) IB Art Studio II (HL) Studio Track

30 Theatre (11 th ) IB Theatre I (12 th ) IB Theatre II (HL/SL)

31 Film & Video Production (11 th ) Film & Video Production I (12 th ) IB Film/Video Production II (HL/SL)

32 9 th Grade Counselor: Alba del Castillo

33 Program Standards Students must maintain a 2.75 unweighted GPA to remain in program Students cannot earn lower than a “C” on their report cards Must meet all program requirements Any form of malpractice (cheating, copying, plagiarism) will result in probation status (2 nd offense will result in expulsion)


35 CGHS Academies

36 Websites Coral Gables IB Website: Community service forms available: or the Coral Gables IB Website

37 Coral Gables Senior High IB Alumni

38 Bright Futures Scholarship Program

39 State Universities where Bright Futures Scholarship Can Be Used

40 Coral Gables Senior High School Celebrating 25 Years as an IB WORLD SCHOOL

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