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District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 1 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion.

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Presentation on theme: "District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 1 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion."— Presentation transcript:

1 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 1 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600

2 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 2 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600 Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Load Allocations TN loadsTP Loads StateE3 loadTributary Strategy load StateE3 loadTributary Strategy load DC1.472.26 DC0.050.11 DE2.313.16 DE0.190.27 MD28.0539.84 MD1.883.10 NY6.559.55 NY0.430.65 PA62.7075.70 PA2.103.04 VA39.3955.66 VA3.596.64 WV3.714.80 WV0.380.55 Total144.19190.96 Total8.6214.36

3 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 3 Chlorophyll a (Chl a) Problem Segments: DCPTF Tidal Potomac does not meet District’s Chl a water quality standard District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600

4 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 4 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600 Solutions: 1.Reduce allocation of Phosphorus and Nitrogen to E3 and beyond 2.Modify existing Chl a standard of 25mg/L with a variance allowing exceedances of Chl a at a percentage

5 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 5 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600 Solution 1: Reduce allocation of Phosphorus and Nitrogen to E3 and beyond Issues: a)Even if E3 was implemented, compliance with standard may not be achieved b)Possible reasons for variance may include practicality or cost

6 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 6 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600 Solution 2: Modify existing Chl a standard of 25mg/L with a variance allowing exceedances of Chl a at a percentage Issues: a)EPA agreement b)Support information gathering c)Public Participation

7 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 7 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600 EPA is conducting model runs to: ensure use of appropriate Chl a data DDOE will continue to work with CBP and EPA Region III staff to incorporate a viable solution into the District’s WIP

8 District of Columbia Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Blue Plains Regional Committee 8 District Department of the Environment Watershed Protection Divsion 1200 First Street, NE 5th Floor Washington, DC 20002 Main Line: (202) 535-2600 Possible Next Steps: 1.Initiate the process for a variance 2.Work with EPA on development of District’s WIP

9 Restoration Variance (Maryland): “The percentage of allowable exceedance for restoration variances is based on water quality modeling and incorporates the best available data and assumptions. The restoration variances are temporary, and will be reviewed at a minimum every three years, as required by the Clean Water Act and EPA regulations. The variances may be modified based on new data or assumptions incorporated into the water quality model.” The District of Columbia may pursue adopting a similar definition. Possible approach

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