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Southeast Beef Cattle Short Course | August 24 th.

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast Beef Cattle Short Course | August 24 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast Beef Cattle Short Course | August 24 th

2 Looking Ahead Photo credit: Noble Foundation.

3 Looking Ahead Photo credit: Noble Foundation.

4 Looking Ahead Photo credit: Noble Foundation.

5 Bermudagrass Pasture – 2011 Breakdown of Projected Costs

6 Bahiagrass vs. Bermudagrass

7 Bahiagrass vs. Bermudagrass Fertilization BahiagrassPotassium LoMedHighV. High Phosphorus Lo *-80-80*-80-40*-80-0 Med *-40-80*-40-40*-40-0 High *-0-80*-0-40*-0-0 V. High *-0-80*-0-40*-0-0 Bermuda grass Potassium LoMedHighV. High Phosphorus Lo *-60-120*-60-65*-60-30*-60-0 Med *-30-120*-30-65*-30-30*-30-0 High *-0-120*-0-65*-0-30*-0-0 V. High *-0-120*-0-65*-0-30*-0-0

8 Warm Season Perennial Grass Variety Trial – Tifton (avg. over 2006-2008)


10 Option - Stocker Calves on Bahiagrass Photo credit: Clemson Univ. ADGGain Stocking Rate Grazing Time (lbs/hd/d)(lb/acre)(hd/acre)(days) Pensacola (bahia)0.952221.5131 Coastal1.083312.5131 Coastcross I1.504692.5131 Tifton 781.437043.2169 Tifton 851.4710324.4169 (top) Utley et al., 1974. J. Anim. Sci. 38:490-495. (bottom) Hill et al., 1993. J. Anim. Sci. 71:3219-3225.


12 Bermudagrass Hay Production – 2011 Breakdown of Projected Costs per Ton $94.94/ton

13 Soil Test and Follow Fertility Recommendations Sample hayfields every year and 1/3 of your pastures each year.



16 Use of Urea-Based Products Without AN, users of N face risky alternatives.  NH 3 volatilization loss Urease is abundant in thatch & organic layers  High N use in hay. Ammonium Nitrate Urea

17 The Effectiveness of Some Alternative N Sources at Low, Medium, and High Fertilization Rates on Hybrid Bermudagrasses (Relative to Ammonium Nitrate). Nitrogen SourceFertilization Rates < 200 lbs*250-350 lbs> 400 lbs Ammonium Nitrate 100% Amm. Sulfate 95-97%95-105%60-70% Anhyd. Ammonia 92-94%93-95%94-95% UAN Solution 80-85%85-92%92-95% Urea 79-82%82-92%88-93% * Actual lbs of N per acre per year. Source: Burton and Jackson, 1962; Silveria et al., 2007.

18 Use of Urea-Based Products Without AN, users of N face risky alternatives.  NH 3 volatilization loss Urease is abundant in thatch & organic layers  High N use in hay. Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizer Products may reduce volatilization loss  Urease inhibition  Encapsulate & release Ammonium Nitrate Urea NBPT maleic-itaconic co-polymer Polymer Coating

19 Ammonia Volatilization Trap Data 2008-2009 (avg. over two locations)

20 Bermudagrass Hay Yield 2008-2009 (Calhoun)

21 Results: Yield Data 2008-09: Forage Yield of ‘Russell’ Bermudagrass Equal Splits † 20082009 SourceEatontonCalhounEatontonCalhoun -------------------- (lbs of DM/acre) --------------------- ATU2 8908 ‡ 19291 1143117525 ESN2 643016033 816317019 NSN2 870416985 1022616464 Urea2 849017302 1073014955 Urea4 721118500 814215948 AN4 964118218 1210617604 Check- 268810009 217810409 LSD 0.05 1204 1552 10592460 † Equal split applications of N that occurred during the season. Total N applied = 300 lbs N/acre. ‡ Items that are in bold font are not significantly different from the highest value in the column.

22 Bermudagrass Hay Yield 2010 (Equal splits, 4 applications, 300 lbs N/ac total)

23 Summary of EE N products Agrotain Treated Urea as compared to urea applied in the same way (averaged over 4 site-yrs): Reduced ammonia volatilization by over 63%. Produced 11% more forage yield. Recovered 19% more of the applied N. Did not substantially affect crude protein content. Did not substantially affect the risk of nitrate toxicity.

24 Fall Armyworm Fall armyworm infestations can be a problem anytime,… But, the effects are most devastating in drought years. Application if above threshold  (>3 larvae per ft 2 ) Fall armyworm infestations can be a problem anytime,… But, the effects are most devastating in drought years. Application if above threshold  (>3 larvae per ft 2 )

25 Fall Armyworm ACES – ANR-1019

26 Fall Armyworm

27 Fall Armyworm Control Insecticide Rate per acre Grazing Interval (days) Sevin / carbarylmaximum14 Lannate 2.4LV2 pt7 (3 for hay) Mustang MAX4 fl. oz.0 (1 for hay) Karate Z (2.08)1.28-1.92 fl. oz.0 (7 for hay) Baythroid XL2.6-2.8 fl. oz.0 (0 for hay) Intrepid 2F (suppl.)4 - 8 fl. oz.0 (7 for hay) Tracer 4SC1-2 oz.Dry (3 for hay) Dimilin 2L2 oz.0 (1 for hay) Coragen3.5-5.0 oz.0 (0 for hay) Lannate is not labeled for use on fescue. Methyl parathion is labeled but is only effective on small larvae.

28 A New Pest in Bermudagrass Photo by: Tim Varnedore, UGA Extension



31 Stem boring maggot (fly) damaging bermudagrass hay fields, Irwin County, GA, July 2010 Photos by: Will Hudson, UGA Entomology

32 Bermudagrass stem maggot, Atherigona reversura, native to Asia (Larval photos by Ruth Donaldson, UGA-Griffin) Photo by: Will Hudson, UGA Entomology

33 Bermudagrass stem maggot damage and management? Little information. Multiple generations. Yield, quality loss?? Thin-stemmed varieties seem less preferred Farmer trials: single appl. of pyrethroid insecticide provide only negligible control. Little information. Multiple generations. Yield, quality loss?? Thin-stemmed varieties seem less preferred Farmer trials: single appl. of pyrethroid insecticide provide only negligible control.

34 Grazing School Sept. 21-22, 2011 Athens, GA

35 Sign Up for Email Updates


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