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3-4-Dec-07 Meeting of the Working Group “Agricultural Accounts and Prices” 3.2.4. Recording of agricultural products used for energy production (Doc. ASA/AAP/097)

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1 3-4-Dec-07 Meeting of the Working Group “Agricultural Accounts and Prices” 3.2.4. Recording of agricultural products used for energy production (Doc. ASA/AAP/097)

2 3-4-Dec-07Recording of agricultural products used for energy production  The growing importance of agricultural products used for energy production raises the question of how to record them in the EAA, since they are not mentioned in the Regulation.  The aim of this document is to clarify the classification of agricultural products used for energy production in the EAA. Introduction

3 3-4-Dec-07Recording of agricultural products used for energy production Definition Agricultural products used for energy production are:  Crops used for bio-fuel or other renewable energy production. They can be:  Main crop products partly used for energy production (sugar beet, corn maize etc.) or crops grown exclusively for energy production (reed canary grass, miscanthus etc.).  By-products originating from crop production (cereal straw and husk etc.).  Animal by-products which may be used also for energy production, like manure and slurry (bio-gas).

4 3-4-Dec-07Recording of agricultural products used for energy production  The definition of agriculture in EAA is based on NACE/CPA. Agricultural products used for energy production are not mentioned in any of them.  Both in NACE/CPA and in the EAA, agricultural products are classified according to their origin and not according to their use.  The grouping of agricultural products in the EAA is different from NACE/CPA.  Product classification rules and principles are not explicitly mentioned in the EAA. The classification rules were actually set out in a WP document in 2000 (called 'link tables').  By-products which automatically result from the production of certain agricultural products are not recorded under the same headings as the product itself. They appear separately at the end of each group of production activities, broken down by species. Classification in EAA

5 3-4-Dec-07Recording of agricultural products used for energy production  FSS and crop statistics:  Both mention energy crops.  Data on by-products are not collected.  Main crop products partly used for energy production are recorded under the same headings as the product itself.  The (areas of) crops used exclusively for renewable energy production are included under 'Other industrial plants, not mentioned elsewhere'.  In the FADN:  Within each category of main crops and by-products the part used for energy production can be identified.  There is no separate heading for crops used exclusively for energy production. Classification in FSS and FADN

6 3-4-Dec-07Recording of agricultural products used for energy production  Main crop products partly used for energy production are to be recorded under the same heading as that to which the crop belongs (e.g. grain maize for bioethanol under '01.5 Grain maize').  Crop by-products partly used for energy production are to be recorded under the same heading as that to which the by-product belongs (e.g. cereal straw under '03.3 Other forage plants' or lees from vinification under '09.3 Other crop products: others').  Main crops and crop by-products grown exclusively for energy production are to be recorded under '02.5/3 Other industrial crops: others'.  Manure and slurry sold for energy production are to be recorded under '12.3/3 Other animal products: others'. Proposal for the classification in EAA

7 3-4-Dec-07Recording of agricultural products used for energy production  Member States are requested to give their opinion on the Eurostat proposal for the classification of energy crops in the EAA. Questions

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