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Dr Sultan Ahmed Engr Amanullah Munshi Mohammad Hedayetullah Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation Second Training Workshop,

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Sultan Ahmed Engr Amanullah Munshi Mohammad Hedayetullah Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation Second Training Workshop,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Sultan Ahmed Engr Amanullah Munshi Mohammad Hedayetullah Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation Second Training Workshop, Bangkok, 30 Sep-4 Oct 2013

2  Project Name: Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation in Bangladesh  Funding Sources: o Government of Bangladesh o UNDP o GEF (Global Environment Facility) o SCD (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) o The Government of The Netherlands

3  Implementing Agency: Forest Department, Department of Agricultural Extension, Department of Livestock Services, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Land, Forests Research Institute, Bangladesh Water Development Board  Project Status: RUNNING (January 2010-June 2014)  Total project investment: US$ 7.45 Million  Project Objectives: Vulnerability of coastal communities to the impacts of climate change-induced risks in the coastal region reduced Agriculture Project

4 Major Project Activities  Afforestation of coastal areas: 24,000 acres afforestation and 680 km strip plantation  Introduction of salt tolerant varieties (rice, maize, soyabean, chili, guaba and jujubi) at farmers level: Total 250 acres (rice 50 acres, maize 50 acres, soyabean 40 acres, juju 40 acres, guaba 40 acres, chilli 30 acres)  Culture fishery for the community: total area 100 acres (300 sites/ponds)  Poultry and cattle rearing: Poultry -300 beneficiaries with 3000 chicks; 120 beneficiaries with 120 cattle

5 Benefit and Cost Benefit:  Increased crop production  Increased nutritional food  Enhanced livelihood  Coastal protection Cost:  Cost of seed and seedlings/saplings  Labour cost for all activities  Cost of fertilizer and pesticide  Cost of irrigation  Cost of fencing  Demonstration and farmers rally Activity: Introduction of salt tolerant varieties

6 Project Name: Coastal Polder 14/1 : FCDI Project in Koyra Upazial (sub- district) under Khulna District Funding Sources: o Government of Bangladesh o UNDP o IDA (The World Bank) o Government of The Netherlands Implementing Agency: Bangladesh Water Development Board

7  Project Status: Project Preparation Phase (FS)  Total project investment: US$ 3.00 million  Project Objective: People, crop and properties within the polder protected and adapted to climate vulnerabilities and risks Water Project

8 Major Project Activities Polder Rehabilitation ( i) Re-Sectioning of Embankment : 27.25 km (ii) Construction of Retired Embankment : 3.25 Km (iii) Construction of Drainage Sluice : 3 nos (under CEIP) and 3 nos (under AILA &WMIP) (iv) Construction of flushing inlets: 4 nos (v) Re-Excavation of Drainage channel:13 Km (vi) Bank Protection Works: 0.58 Km (vii) Slope Protection Works: 6.86 Km (viii) Afforestation:30 ha (ix) Land acquisition: 10.53 ha  Construction of Core Family Shelter (Cyclone Shelter): 265 nos

9 Benefit and Cost Activity: Polder Rehabilitation Benefit:  Protection of homesteads and crops from tidal surge and saline water intrusion  Disaster reduction  Increased crop production and food security  Poverty reduction  Security of life and livelihood  Enchanced protection of mainland areas Cost:  Cost of construction of embankment  Cost of embankment protection works  Cost of construction of regulatory structures

10 Gorai River Watershed

11 Watershed Assessment Data and Information a.Monthly flow in targeted watershed (Gorai River) over several years: Discharge (Q cumec) data from 2001 to 2013 b.Area of watershed in ha: 17,620 sq km covering 18 districts with 76 sub- districts (full /partial) c.Population of the watershed (rural and urban population): Collected d.Farmland in the watershed (ha): Collected e.Irrigated farmland in the watershed (ha): Collected f.Map of the watershed with location of dams identified: Prepared g.Average rural withdrawal of water per capita (for household use): Collected

12 Agriculture HH Data Collection o Questionnaire finalised for agriculture household survey o Number of HHs: 300 @ 10 HHs for 30 AEZs o Time required: 6 weeks

13 Thank you.

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