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Specialty Area Educator

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1 Specialty Area Educator
Alabama Professional Education Personnel Evaluation Program Teacher and Specialty Area Educator Systems

2 Teacher and Specialty Area Evaluation Systems
Teacher System Special Education II (teachers of students with severe disabilities) Speech/Language Pathologist Library/Media Specialist Counselor Psychologist/Psychometrist Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

3 Teachers and Specialty Area Educators
Development and Construct of Teacher Type Systems Regular Classroom Teacher Delivery of Instruction Special Education II Teacher Speech Language Pathologist Library Media Specialist School Guidance Counselor School Psychologist/Psychometrist Delivery of Services/Program Outcome of Evaluation Process Summary Report of the Evaluation (Standards based) Formulation of a Professional Development Plan Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

4 Teachers and Specialty Area Educators
Structure Competency Structures are Similar Instruments are Conceptually Similar Data Collection and Scoring Processes are Same/Similar Summary Reporting Pattern Analysis for Determining Competency Scores Rationales Provided Professional Development Plans Objectives Based on Identified Need Activities Identified for Accomplishing Objectives Identification of Planned Assessment Measures Assessment of Results of the Plan Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

5 Teacher-Type Evaluation Systems
With Some Variation, Competencies Focus Around: 1. Planning (Preparation for Instruction or Delivery of Services) 2. Delivery of Instruction, Program, and/or Services 3. Assessment of Student Performance or Evaluation of Students or Services 4. Management (classroom, student, or program) 5. Positive Climate 6. Communication (oral and written) 7. Professional Development/Leadership 8. Professional Responsibility Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

6 Definition Items Around Technology
1.2 Identifies Various Instructional Strategies plans creative and innovative activities appropriate to objectives, including the use of technology 1.3 Prepares Instructional Resources for Use selects and uses technology/media, bulletin boards, models, realia, and/or displays plans for ensuring equitable and effective student access to available technology and other resources Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

7 Definition Items Around Technology
2.0 PRESENTATION OF ORGANIZED INSTRUCTION Effective teachers organize instruction. They introduce students to lessons, give clear directions, develop lesson content systematically, provide appropriate summarizations of knowledge and student practice of skills and employ or discuss the use of technology 2.3 Develops the Lesson uses technology when appropriate facilitates students’ individual and collaborative use of technologies during instruction Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

8 Definition Items Around Technology
3.2 Measures Student Progress Systematically uses variety of appropriate assessment methods and instruments, including online and computer adaptive assessments, where appropriate 7.1 Improves Professional Knowledge and Skills uses ideas from books, professional journals, websites, internet dialog with colleagues, and professional organizations to improve teaching Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

9 Technology in Instruction and Learning
The teacher uses the technology or the products of the technology Students use the technology or the products of the technology The technology is the medium of instruction Technological concepts, principles, impact, and applications are the focus of classroom activities and discussions Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

10 Teacher-Type Evaluation Systems
Scoring 4-point rating scale with each Competency and Indicator rated Scoring by instrument by Indicator with roll-up to Competency level Evaluators Trained in conducting evaluations Must meet reliability standards Evaluatees Evaluation content and instruments vary by system Evaluation process is similar across systems Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

11 2. Instructional Observation (counselor, library/media specialist)
Teacher-Type Evaluation Systems Instrumentation/Data Sources 1. Classroom Observation (teacher, special ed, speech) 4. Interviews (written or oral) (all groups) 5. Supervisor’s Review Form (all groups) 6. Portfolio developed by evaluatee (counselor, psychologist/psychometrist) 7 . Surveys (counselor, librarian, psychologist/psychometrist) 3. Management Observation (library) 2. Instructional Observation (counselor, library/media specialist) Summary Report Sources 1. Evaluation Summary Report (shows scores and score rationales by competency and indicator) 2. Professional Development Plan (becomes a data source in next cycle) Optional Instrumentation 1. Self-Assessment Form (completed by evaluatee, but not considered in evaluation scoring) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

12 Teacher and Specialty Area Educator Data Sources
System SA Int Obs Port Srvy SRF ESR PDP Teacher X Spec Ed II Speech/Lang Library/ Media Instr/Mgt Counselor Psych/ Psychom. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

13 Teacher Type Evaluation System Data Sources
Teacher Type Evaluation System Data Sources Competencies Teacher Special Ed Speech Language Preparation for Instruction ·   Observation ·   Interview Presentation of Instruction Assessment of Student Performance Classroom Management Positive Learning Climate Communication ·   Superv’s Rev. Professional Development and Leadership ·   Professional Develop Plan Performance of Professional Responsibilities ·   Supervisor’s Review ·   Supervisor’s Review ·   Supervisor’s Review Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

14 Teacher Type Evaluation System Data Sources
Teacher Type Evaluation System Data Sources Competencies Library Media Counselor Psychometrist/ Psychologist Preparation Delivery of Program/Services ·  Interview ·  Surveys ·   Observation ·   Interview Delivery of Program and Services ·   Mgt. Observation ·   Surveys ·   Observation ·  Portfolio ·   Portfolio ·   Supervisor's Review Evaluation of Program and Services ·  Observation Management of Program and Services ·   Supervisor’s Review ·   Supervisor’s Review ·   Supervisor’s Rev  Positive Learning Climate ·   Supervisor’s Rev Communication ·  Supervisor’s Rev. Professional Develop./Leadership ·   Professional Development Plan · Professional Development Plan Performance of Prof. Responsibilities ·  Supervisor's Rev. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

15 Teacher-Type Evaluation Systems
Educator Data: evidence of competence produced, assembled and submitted by the educator Portfolio Written interview Interpretation of survey responses Documentation of PDP activities for the previous year or cycle Evaluator Data: evidence of educator competence developed by the evaluator Oral interview Observations (except for psychologist/psychometrist system) Supervisor's Review Form Clarifying interview (with portfolio or written interview) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

16 Teacher-Type Evaluation Systems
Self Assmnt Instr Obs Evaluation Summary Report Prof Devlpmnt Plan Mgt Obs Survey Interview Survey SRF Survey Competency 7 Survey Portfolio Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

17 Professional Development Plan
Activities focus on areas of improvement as identified in the Evaluation Summary Report Activities focus on the improvement of student achievement Used to evaluate Competency 7: Professional Development and Leadership after first year of evaluation Professional Development Plan Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

18 Procedures - Scoring · Scores are generated by instrument ·
There will be a total of 8 scores, one for each Competency area Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

19 Steps in Evaluation Process
Procedures Steps in Evaluation Process 1. Orientation (LEA responsibility) 2. Self-assessment (evaluatee) 3. Prepare portfolio, when applicable (evaluatee) 4. Conduct observations – multiple in some systems (evaluator) 5. Distribute and analyze surveys, when applicable (evaluatee) 6. Supervisor Review Form (evaluator/supervisor) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

20 Procedures 7. Review portfolio (evaluator)
8. Conduct interviews (evaluator/evaluatee ) 9. Prepare Evaluation Summary Report (evaluator) 10. Summary conference and PDP (evaluator/evaluatee) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

21 Self Assessment Generates data for all Competency and Indicator areas
Generates data for all Competency and Indicator areas Developed by the educator and shared with evaluator only if educator agrees Used by educator to: 1) Identify areas that need improvement 2) Compare the educator’s perceptions of performance with the results of the evaluation 3) Determine areas for professional growth activities to be included in a professional development plan. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

22 Interviews Two types of interviews:
Two types of interviews: A Structured Interview with questions commonly asked of educators (can be oral or written response format) A Clarifying Interview with probing questions focused on clarifying or bringing understanding to the portfolio and/or written interview (questions differ from educator to educator) Clarifying Interview conducted after the evaluator analyzes educator’s portfolio or after review of written interview Modified scripting is used to record responses Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

23 Structured Interview A discussion between the educator and the
A discussion between the educator and the evaluator (or his/her designee) about particular areas of competence Each of the structured interview question sets is intended to cover one indicator area, but not all indicator areas The structured interview produces a score for the indicator covered Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

24 Clarifying Interview Conducted after the structured interview is completed with a focus on the educator’s portfolio and/or written interview No set number of questions, but key questions specific to the portfolio or written interview are developed by evaluator to bring clarity and understanding of its contents Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

25 Classroom Teacher Observation
Observation Beginning with the school year for classroom teachers, local education agencies have the option of: 1) using the PEPE observation requirements in place prior to the school year, or 2) approving a reduction in the number of observations for classroom teachers as specified in this section of the manual. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

26 Classroom Teacher Observation
Option 1: Observation Prior to School Year The evaluator conducts two observations (3 if a non- tenured teacher ) observing the classroom teacher Option 2: Observation Beginning with School Year The evaluator conducts two observations of non-tenured classroom teachers (3 if a non-tenured teacher did not meet PEPE standard in prior year ) The evaluator conducts one observation of tenured classroom teachers (2 if a tenured teacher did not meet PEPE standard on the last full evaluation ) Teacher may request or evaluator may conduct additional observation Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

27 Observation of Other Classroom Teachers
Instructional Observation The evaluator conducts two observations (3 if a non-tenured educator) observing the special education II teacher and speech language pathologist in an instructional setting. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

28 Counselor Instructional Observation
Counselor is observed while conducting guidance sessions Counselor may be working with individual students or a group of students Each counselor is observed on two occasions (three, if needed) Each observation is accompanied by pre- and post- observation conferences Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

29 Library Media Specialist Observations
Instructional Observation The evaluator spends one period or a set amount of time observing the library media specialist in an instructional setting (whole group or one-on-one.) Management Observation The evaluator conducts two management observations observing what is occurring in the library (student activities, library media specialist activities, activities of others, how library media center is organized, bulletin boards, procedures, interactions, etc.) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

30 Counselor Evaluation System Portfolio
Counselor is responsible for providing some evidence of his/her knowledge and skills Generates data for 4 Competencies and 9 Indicators There is no one specific form of packaging required for the portfolio, but there are organizational requirements Each entry (piece of evidence) is accompanied by a Portfolio Entry Form Total portfolio requires approximately 16 pieces of evidence plus survey results. One piece of evidence might serve 2-3 purposes With multiple purposes, a portfolio may have 8-10 entries (pieces of evidence) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

31 Counselor Evaluation System Portfolio
Explicit guidelines for developing evidence in each area are provided in the evaluation manual Evaluated on the quality of materials rather than the quantity of materials in the portfolio "Extra" entries will not be considered by the evaluator Portfolio Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

32 Counselor Evaluation System Portfolio
Indicator Evidence 2.1 Guidance Curriculum Survey results 2 artifacts 2.2 Conducts Individual Planning Survey results 2 artifacts 2.3 Responsive Services Survey results 2 artifacts 2.4 Assists with Student Assessment Survey results 2 artifacts 3.1 Evaluates Program 1 artifact around evaluation 1 artifact around use of results Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

33 Counselor Evaluation System Portfolio
Indicator Evidence 3.2 Conducts Research Survey results 2 artifacts 6.2 Written Communication 2 artifacts around written work 8.3 Cooperates with Peers Survey results 1 artifact 8.4 Cooperation with School/Comm Survey results 1 artifact Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

34 Psychologist/Psychometrist Evaluation System Portfolio
Psychologist/Psychometrist is responsible for providing some evidence of his/her knowledge and skills Generates data for 4 Competencies and 6 Indicators There is no one specific form of packaging required for the portfolio, but there are organizational requirements Each entry (piece of evidence) is accompanied by a Portfolio Entry Form Total portfolio requires approximately 16 pieces of evidence One piece of evidence might serve 2-3 purposes With multiple purposes, a portfolio may have 9-11 entries (pieces of evidence) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

35 Psychologist/Psychometrist Evaluation System Portfolio
Explicit guidelines for developing evidence in each area are provided in the evaluation/orientation manual Evaluated on the quality of materials rather than the quantity of materials in the portfolio "Extra" entries will not be considered by the evaluator Portfolio Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

36 Psychologist/Psychometrist Evaluation System Portfolio
Indicator Evidence 2.1 Assessment and Evaluation Survey results 2 artifacts 2.2 Intervention, Prevention Consultation Survey results 3 artifacts (1 in each area) 2.3 Education/Research Survey results 2 artifact 3.1 Evaluates Program 1 artifact around evaluation 1 artifact around use of results 6.2 Written Communication 2 artifacts around written work 8.4 Cooperation with School/Comm Survey results 1 artifact Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

37 Psychologist/Psychometrist Evaluation System The Survey
Surveys are used in the Portfolio and Supervisor’s Review Form as part of the holistic scoring process Surveys are provided for teachers, students in grades 7-12, and parents Survey questions address the Competencies and Indicators The psychologist/psychometrist will distribute, collect, and analyze the surveys Respondents are to remain anonymous and represent a cross-section within the group Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

38 Library Media Specialist Evaluation System The Survey
Surveys are used in the Interview, Management Observation, and Supervisor’s Review Form as part of the holistic scoring process Surveys are provided for teachers and students Questions address the Competencies and Indicators Library Media specialist will distribute, collect, and analyze the surveys Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

39 Counselor Evaluation System The Survey
Surveys results as analyzed by the counselor are used in the Portfolio as part of the holistic scoring process. The actual completed surveys are not to be included in the Portfolio. Surveys are provided for teachers, students in grades 4-6 and 7-12, and parents Survey questions address the Competencies and Indicators The counselor will distribute, collect, and analyze the surveys Respondents are to remain anonymous and represent a cross-section within the group Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

40 Supervisor’s Review Form
Generates data for various competencies Communication (all systems) Professional Responsibilities (all systems) Management (library/media, counselor, psychologist/psychometrist) Provides data where a supervisor should have objective, experiential information Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

41 Evaluation Summary Report
Used to present the scores developed from each of the instruments To complete the ESR, the evaluator: 1. Completes demographic information requested 2. Records the scores from each instrument 3. Writes comments, explanations, or justifications in the space provided that support the score for the specific area 4. Identifies areas for focus in planning professional development for the coming year(s) Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

42 Professional Develop Plan – Goals/Objectives
Goals and objectives are statements of the outcomes desired, the ends to be accomplished Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

43 Professional Develop Plan – Goals/Objectives
Goals are time related; tend to be long-range, spanning a full academic year May include desired outcomes in cognitive, affective, and developmental areas Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

44 Professional Develop Plan – Goals/Objectives
Types of Objectives Specific learning task, particular knowledge to be acquired or enhanced Specific skill to be developed or enhanced Product to be produced (a written plan for assessing progress – detailed lesson plans – scope and sequence chart, etc.) Student achievement progress targets Professional service to be rendered to assist or improve the school/faculty/school related organization, etc. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

45 Professional Develop Plan – Goals/Objectives
Objectives tend to be of shorter duration, may be accomplished in varying time spans, depending upon nature and complexity Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

46 Professional Develop Plan – Goals/Objectives
Example for Competency 3.0 3.2 Teacher will develop a written comprehensive plan for systematic assessment of students’ achievement and progress. Major emphasis will be placed on matching various assessment methods to learning styles and learning needs of individual students and is to be completed by 9/01/02 Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

47 Professional Develop Plan – Activities
Activities are the means to accomplish goals/objectives identified or selected Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

48 Professional Develop Plan – Activities
Proposed Activities Identify and obtain assistance from a mentor teacher proficient in Indicator 3.2 area Read relevant articles from journals and books available in the school system’s resource center 3. Attend 3-day workshop on learning styles of individual students scheduled by regional inservice center 4. Participate in AEA sponsored workshop on alternative assessment Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

49 Professional Develop Plan
Criteria: Assessment and Benefits Section 1. Evidence of degree of accomplishment of objective(s) Written statement Materials/products appended to PDP Form 2. Description of efforts/activities pursued in attempting to accomplish the stated objective(s) 3. Description of benefits accrued to the educator, students, faculty, and school as appropriate Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

50 Professional Develop Plan
Evaluator Comments Section 1. Statement of concurrence or non-concurrence with assertions of educator in assessment and benefits section 2. Reason for concurrence or non-concurrence 3. Commendation statement when appropriate 4. Next steps: Develop new PDP for ensuing year, amend and carry over present PDP,etc. Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

51 Competency 7.0 7.1 Improves Professional Knowledge
7.1 Improves Professional Knowledge Participates in professional organizations Participates in/attends professional development programs/conference(s) Participates in professional development to improve job performance Takes formal coursework Uses ideas to improve teaching Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

52 Competency 7.0 7.2 Takes Leadership Role ·
Leadership in identifying and resolving issues Leadership in establishing and achieving school goals Initiates activities/projects Conducts workshops/trains Shares ideas, materials, etc. Participates in shared decision making Alabama Department of Education PEPE Program

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