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Career Pathways, ROP and Student Success Presented by: Dena Davis, OUSD ROP Counselor Megan Hughie, CCROP Community Relations Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Pathways, ROP and Student Success Presented by: Dena Davis, OUSD ROP Counselor Megan Hughie, CCROP Community Relations Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Pathways, ROP and Student Success Presented by: Dena Davis, OUSD ROP Counselor Megan Hughie, CCROP Community Relations Manager

2 Success 3 Academic Coursework + Freshman Seminar and Guidance + ROP Career Technical Classes = A Clear Career Pathway

3 Career Pathways A career pathway is a logical sequence of academic and career technical courses that prepare students for successful completion of state academic standards while supporting the student’s transition to postsecondary coursework related in a career area of interest. * California Model Curriculum Standards, 2006

4 In Other Words… Career Pathways help high school students start to answer the burning questions: “What do I want to be when I grow up?” “What should I do after high school graduation?” “How will I support myself once I turn 18?” “How am I supposed to afford a brand-new car?” “How am I supposed to afford a brand-new car?”

5 ROP Helps Students Explore Career Pathways ► ROP provides hand-on learning experiences for students to explore their interests ► The “AH-HA!” Factor ► ROP brings relevance to academic coursework ► ROP inspires increased motivation


7 Research Shows ROP Success ROP students: ► Earn higher wages than comparison group peers. ► Have more success in securing raises and promotions on the job. ► Enroll in post-secondary education in large numbers. ► Have better 12 th grade attendance rates ► Improve their high school grade point averages ► Prefer ROP classes over other subjects * Mitchell, D.E. (2004). California Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP) 2004 Longitudinal Study Technical Report. University of California, Riverside, School Improvement Research Group.

8 What is ROP? Career Technical Education Career Technical Education On-campus Classes On-campus Classes ROP Center ROP Center Job Training Job Training Internships Internships HS Graduation Credits HS Graduation Credits

9 Why Take An ROP Class? Increase your competitiveness for gaining admission to the college of your choice. Increase your competitiveness for gaining admission to the college of your choice. Discover abilities and talent you never knew you had! Discover abilities and talent you never knew you had! Learn to write a powerful resume and interview with confidence. Learn to write a powerful resume and interview with confidence.

10 More Reasons to Take ROP Expand your skills to include the characteristics employers really need. Expand your skills to include the characteristics employers really need. Gain real-world experience in a professional setting. Gain real-world experience in a professional setting. Find out if what you want to do, is really what you want to do…. Find out if what you want to do, is really what you want to do….

11 Internships = Opportunity ROP Internship Courses Include: Animal Care II Animal Care II Automotive III Automotive III Banking Financial Services Banking Financial Services Careers with Children Careers with Children Floral Design Floral Design Hotel & Restaurant Occupations Hotel & Restaurant Occupations Hospital Internship Hospital Internship Medical Clerical Medical Clerical Video Production I & II Video Production I & II

12 The Path to Self-Reliance Many classes lead to another Many classes lead to another A Classroom Experience becomes Work Experience A Classroom Experience becomes Work Experience Internships become Jobs Internships become Jobs

13 New & Exciting ROP Classes: New & Exciting ROP Classes: International Business Art of Animation Career Focus Career Focus Professional Dance Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Automotive Performance and Customization

14 Look for these NEW ROP Classes in Fall 2007: Look for these NEW ROP Classes in Fall 2007: Culinary Arts Fashion Design & Merchandising Fashion Design & Merchandising Sports Medicine (UC) Art of Graphic Design (UC) Animation III

15 Which Career Tech Class Would YOU Like to Take? Read the survey instructions. Read the survey instructions. Think about whether you would take the classes listed. Think about whether you would take the classes listed. Rate how strongly you are interested in each class. Rate how strongly you are interested in each class. Add comments or suggest other classes you would consider taking if offered. Add comments or suggest other classes you would consider taking if offered.

16 How Do You Sign-Up for ROP? Go to your Career Center and meet: Orange: Mrs. Nieva Orange: Mrs. Nieva ELMO: Mrs. Kerkhof ELMO: Mrs. Kerkhof Villa Park: Mrs. Meissner Villa Park: Mrs. Meissner Canyon: Mrs. Bailey Canyon: Mrs. Bailey Richland: Mrs. Knox Richland: Mrs. Knox

17 Just Follow These Signs....

18 Questions? ► Dena Davis OUSD ROP Counselor ► Megan Hughie CCROP Community Relations Manager

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