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IB PSYCHOLOGY 2 CARROLL Formal Report on Interviews.

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1 IB PSYCHOLOGY 2 CARROLL Formal Report on Interviews

2 Formal Report You will be writing a formal report for the research you conducted in class about teenage “life” This report will be similar to what we will be doing for our IA, just on a smaller and more simple level The report consists of 4 parts: 1) Introduction 2) Design of your research 3) The data 4) Conclusions

3 Part 1: Introduction The introduction is the most important part to psychological writing. You will discuss the underlying theoretical framework that is related to your research. You must frame your research question in relationship to this underlying framework. See Crane…both level of analysis chapters (sociocultural and perhaps cognitive) AND units (human relationships, health, developmental)

4 Part 2: Design of your research Part 2 will include how you designed your research. This starts with describing the specific method you used (all were interviews- but each of you had different types) Include how you went about conducting the research Include the interview questions in this portion

5 Part 3: The data The next portion of your report will include your specific data. First give the raw data Then give the data broken up into emergent themes (determined by you) This should be in chart form/summary table (see p.362)

6 Part 4: Conclusion/Content Analysis Finally, you will write your conclusion. Reminder- your conclusion should summarize your major themes, and then include your own individual interpretation. This interpretation should show some creativity on the part of the researcher, and NOT just restate what the interviewee said. Also include possibilities for further research, an acknowledgement of reflexivity in your research, AND potential ways to triangulate your research.

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