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Stanford undergone surgery and started taking a narcotic painkiller and became addicted to it. After going in and out of treatment, he received disability.

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Presentation on theme: "Stanford undergone surgery and started taking a narcotic painkiller and became addicted to it. After going in and out of treatment, he received disability."— Presentation transcript:


2 Stanford undergone surgery and started taking a narcotic painkiller and became addicted to it. After going in and out of treatment, he received disability benefits from his work. When he returned to work they took away his benefits and Stanford sued. The district court held for the insurer; Stanford appealed. Summary

3 Long Term Disability Insurance: Pays an insured a percentage of their monthly earnings if they become disabled Disability: A disadvantage or handicap, esp. one imposed or recognized by the law. Addiction: The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity Key Words

4 A disability is an injury or sickness causing physical or mental impairment to such a degree of severity that participants are unable to perform work. Stanford was judged capable of working. He is capable of performing his duty of his job and is owed no benefits. Decision


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