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Identity Solution in Baltic Theory and Practice Viktors Kozlovs Infrastructure Consultant Microsoft Latvia.

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Presentation on theme: "Identity Solution in Baltic Theory and Practice Viktors Kozlovs Infrastructure Consultant Microsoft Latvia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identity Solution in Baltic Theory and Practice Viktors Kozlovs Infrastructure Consultant Microsoft Latvia

2 Agenda Identity & Identity challenges The practical approaches Microsoft’s offerings for Identity Management Identity practice in Baltic Q&A

3 Identity at the Center

4 IDA Challenges Compliance Security BusinessEnablement Operational Efficiency Ensuring that only authorized users get network access Protecting confidential information from improper distribution Freeing up IT resources to focus on high business-value work Creating new ways to connect with customers & partners Provisioning in accordance with company policies Establishing auditable processes for granting access rights Automating, reducing and simplifying manual processes Reducing the complexity of managing many identity stores

5 The Practical Approaches

6 Conventional Approaches Multiple products with separate management, infrastructure, and connectors Feature overlap across management and core infrastructure User Portals Designers Role Mgmt Reporting Policy Model Workflow Configuration DB Dev Model Identity Stores Supported Applications Different User Provisioning Strong Authentication Web Access Management Federated Identity Directories HR Systems ERP Systems Databases Audit Systems User Experiences Infrastructure Connectors Infrastructure Connectors Infrastructure Connectors Infrastructure Connectors

7 Our High-Level Approach Extensibility IDA Management Capabilities User and Developer Experiences Platform Components

8 Our Approach in Details Productivity Suites Operating Systems Web Sites Developer Platforms Extensibility Connectors Standards Platform Components Workflow Logging Delegation Directory Services Federated Identity Information Protection Strong Authentication Policies Users and Devices Credentials AccessRights IDA Management Capabilities User and Developer Experiences

9 Microsoft’s Offerings for IDA

10 Best of breed for Windows that extends to the enterprise Extensibility 20+ Connectors WS-* Platform Components BizTalk.NET Visual Studio MIIS SDK Active Directory & Microsoft Identity Integration Server Active Directory Federation Services Rights Management Services Certificate Services Microsoft Office Windows Web Sites Visual Studio User & Developer Experiences Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 IDA Management Capabilities Partners

11 Focus On 5 Solution Scenarios A comprehensive set of IDA platform technologies and solution scenarios Complemented by a broad international partner program Microsoft Office Windows Web Sites Visual Studio Extensibility 20+ Connectors WS-* Platform Components BizTalk.NET Visual Studio MIIS SDK Active Directory & Microsoft Identity Integration Server Active Directory Federation Services Rights Management Services Certificate Services Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 IDA Management Capabilities User & Developer Experiences Partners Directory Services Strong Authentication Federated Identity/SSO Information Protection Identity Lifecycle Mgmt Microsoft Solution Focus Areas

12 Identity Practice in Baltic MIIS in big TELCO’s National PKI Project Many IDA projects are finished, but the most visible and complex are:

13 Thank you !

14 Questions

15 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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