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PRO.300 These PRO.300 records are now SUPER important and can drastically enhance your overall staff network and entire system!!!

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Presentation on theme: "PRO.300 These PRO.300 records are now SUPER important and can drastically enhance your overall staff network and entire system!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRO.300 These PRO.300 records are now SUPER important and can drastically enhance your overall staff network and entire system!!!

2 PRO.300 What is your current order of operations regarding hiring and recording. Where is PRO.300 entry in that process? How do you reconcile your PRO.300 (at payroll compare time EIS.997, board report, ‘W’ide EIS.995 checking) Do you generate contracts and/or letters Do you eFile letters (*now also emails reminder to person) and use EmployeeConnect and direct staff there? (separate session on these 2 tomorrow)

3 E-File REMINDER: You can print envelopes direct from here ‘P’ #4

4 PRO.300

5 Review of customer code tables Confirmation that all of your active staff should have a record type ‘A?’ (Not necessary for Sub/TOCs, Casuals) Reminder: If you have position codes, skill codes, or location codes that you want to redo, delete, rename --> we can do that! At minimum, there is an inactive in position codes Run a summary listing and count for review and then mass change/delete as necessary

6 PRO.300 Use Job Posting# on ‘A’dd record - will autofill majority of information !!! Use Work Location (Maintenance, StuServ) so listings can be run by Location for those depts Use Letter Type for CIMS to print out your Perm/Term contracts DIRECTLY from CIMS Use SAR# for Board Report (custom to each district) AND to print letters in bulk Have you ever used ? Pay attention to where you put your new ‘A’dd as the system will not reposition your records automatically!

7 Board Report

8 PRO.300 The 100 shows that accumulated all active assignments this staff member is at 100% 155 indicates how many days for assignments (start date November means less than the reg 197 - looks to PAY.110 calendar Average FTE (EIS.962) available in report writer AND in EIS.996 configuration report. In case above employee is 100% but for less than a year so his adjusted/average FTE is 78.68 Leave Type : Effective: 11/01/10 To 6/30/11 100.0000 155 FTE: 100.0000 AVG FTE: 78.68 Hours/Day:

9 PRO.300 BSD uses Table/Grade/Step because for non- teaching. Enter hourly rate of pay and step so that the HRT will print it and the empdown file merges into our letter nicely. WSD uses Work Schedule and start/stop time for custodial & some clerical for reporting and to assist Payroll in determining statpay eligib. Reminder: If you are ending/adding an assignment should that trigger you to think about evaluation right then at that time?

10 EIS.127 1. Use of Sector (first one appears on PRO.300) 2. Contact1 needs to be reviewed (EIS.964 by Payroll)- use this in auto emailing schl to appr lve reqs & in mass create eval

11 PRO.300 Process Employee goes on a temporary leave - what activity does this mean to PRO.300 end current assignment add leave line add additional assignment expecting return?

12 PRO.300 Process How to handle longterm leaves that keep extending and extending Do you still have a forward dated A? line Do you eventually end the schl location line and designate that leave to a different location

13 PRO.300 In addition to all of the HR functions, PRO.300: Controls access to AdminConnect. You have become the IT dept for CIMS access. Confirms Pay (EIS.997, POS.997) (Can) Manage all of your district email distribution lists (IT person not required to manually make all of the adjustments) (Can) Create a nightly change file that tells IT all of the staff changes preventing all of that paperwork & inaccuracy. This is a huge and necessary goal that any staff network, email access is driven by your HR record!

14 PRO.100 Manage auto-signon from EmployeeConnect to AdminConnect ** IMPORTANT ** Multiple PRO.300 lines may mean multiple access Ids for AdminConnect! Yearend/yearstart cutoff date in PAY.324 for signon to include future dated PRO.300 to allow for early access

15 PRO.300 Our role in CIMS PRO.300 would not be to read from Active Directory - we would like to automatically fill/change active directory entries based on HR PRO.300 information so that all other systems could feed from this information Reduce manual effort Work in real-time

16 Distr Lists Create Distribution List Rules Each night this file downloads and IT grabs that to delete existing list and repopulate based on your current day PRO.300 (with a summer consideration)

17 Nightly Job Compares all employee groups as you define, compares yesterday to today and creates a file indicating ADD, DEL, CHANGE

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