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What is the reading on this graduated cylinder in ml?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the reading on this graduated cylinder in ml?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the reading on this graduated cylinder in ml?

3 53 ml

4 What is the reading on this graduated cylinder in L?

5 0.013 L

6 What is the measurement of this line in mm?

7 120 mm

8 What does this powder weight in Kg?

9 0.015 Kg

10 What is this and what kingdom does it belong in?

11 Amoeba, Kingdom Protista

12 What is this and what domain does it belong to?

13 Volvox, Domain Eukarya

14 Explain how this slide is made?

15 Collect cheek cells with toothpick, run in a drop of water on a slide. Place coverslip at an angle and drop. Add a drop of stain and use a paper towel on opposite side to draw stain through. Place on stage, focus low power, turn to high.

16 Which pointer is on the nucleus?

17 D

18 Which cells are placed in a hypotonic solution?

19 C

20 Which two organisms are most closely related?

21 A and C, most bands in common

22 What stage of embryo would this be?

23 Gastrula

24 Explain how to plate this bacteria.

25 Sterilize inoculating loop in flame. Cool. Pick up a small bit of bacteria. Draw across the plate. Flame loop, cool. Draw across streak. Repeat.

26 Is this plant a monocot or dicot?

27 Dicot

28 What are A, B and C?

29 A- Lungs B- Heart C- Liver

30 What are A, B, C, D and E?

31 A- Liver B- Lg. Intestine C- Sm. Intestine D- Stomach E- Spleen (Pancreas light red line)

32 What is the pH of banana and what is the hydrogen ion concentration?

33 pH 5, [ion] 10 -5

34 What is being tested for and what chemical is used to test it?

35 Starch, Iodine

36 What is being tested for in these tests, and which are positive?

37 Glucose - Glucose, Onion, (slightly-Potato)

38 Which of these is positive for protein and which test was used to determine this?

39 Albumin, Biurets

40 What process was used to produce this strip?

41 Chromatography

42 What is the rf of the dark green and light green pigment?

43 0.33

44 What type of cross is this and which 2 traits would you guess are dominant?

45 Dihybrid Dominant- Brown hair, Short tail

46 What type of cross is this?

47 Monohybrid

48 Invertebrate or vertebrate and class?

49 Invertebrate, Oligochaeta


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