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Professional Learning Communities...The Big Picture... Paradise High School August 12, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Communities...The Big Picture... Paradise High School August 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Communities...The Big Picture... Paradise High School August 12, 2011

2 The Four Critical Questions What do we want all students to learn? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we respond when learning has not occurred? How will we respond when learning has already occurred?

3 Meeting Norms Must be in Place Norms must be in place to ensure that a team meets a common, minimum level of behavior, engagement, process, and respect. Teams without norms function fine....until they have a problem with one another. Revisiting norms often needs to be part of team practice to ensure maximum benefits of the PLC.

4 Essential Standard Lesson Development What do we want all students to learn? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we respond when learning has not occurred? How will we respond when learning has already occurred? Develop Common Assessment and set SMART Goal Lesson Delivery Give Common Assessments Data Analysis Plan Based on Common Assessment Results Re-teachEnrichment Whole class, small group instruction, deployment

5 So....How do we get there.... Need to know top before getting to bottom Structure StrategyTime created for weekly PLC meetings Essential standards set in all departments Operations Department performance assessments calendared for school year --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLC effort creates sustainability Relationships Information Identity Teachers collaborate frequently and meaningfully to discuss best practices Teachers plan as a team to ensure support to one another Departments refer to “our” students’ achievement and learning A System View of School Reform... Margret Wheatley

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