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Administrative Council September 11, 2012.  Transition, Planning and Monitoring Software developed by Leadership Services Team.  Customizable software.

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative Council September 11, 2012.  Transition, Planning and Monitoring Software developed by Leadership Services Team.  Customizable software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative Council September 11, 2012

2  Transition, Planning and Monitoring Software developed by Leadership Services Team.  Customizable software used to address our needs in terms of PBIS and RtI as well Student Support Services Referrals and Tracking.  Culmination of the key components of OneNote but in a data base format so that reports can be generated.

3  Student Services Personnel – August 27 th  Administrators – September 11 th  DET’s – September 13 th  DIF’s – September 28 th  School Based introduction to staff in September by Administrators with support as needed.

4  Integrated with Maplewood.  Link through Students Achieve for teachers and administrators  Link through SSS page for Divisional Personnel  Permissions ---monitored through L. Hipkins and TPM  Will be hosting the server by mid-fall

5  Create consistency in the tracking of RtI Referrals, documentation, planning and monitoring at the school level.  Create consistency in the tracking of behavioral incidents  Will help to implement RtI and PBIS as fundamental practices within our schools  Increased accountability in terms of the reporting, planning and monitoring of interventions for students with academic and/or behavioral challenges.

6  0.1 Progress and Monitoring Log ◦ Tool to track “issues” which may identify a student at risk ◦ Examples include truancy, late assignments, apathy etc. ◦ Requires the individual doing the referral to provide an intervention strategy, action(s) and completion date ◦ Helps to “build a case” for an RtI Referral

7  In essence, a “pre-referral” checklist  Identifies some general items as well as environmental, instructional, assessment and behavioral strategies that have been used  Can add pictures, audio visual or text links  Ensures that all attempts have been made at the general Tier 1 level prior to an RtI referral being made

8  Gap analysis has been completed..... But gaps still “gaps” either academically, behaviorally or both.  Identifies instructional, assessment and behavioral strategies that have been attempted, successful or not successful  Student strengths are also identified  Files and links can be attached  Submitted by referring teacher and reviewed by Rti Team at meeting

9  Plan created collaboratively with the RtI team and the referring teacher  Strengths auto populated from the Referral Form  SMART Goal Format  May attach files and links for documentation of progress

10  Entered by attending staff members as needed  “Bus incidents” should be entered here by administrators and reports generated as needed.  Referring staff member identifies action required, intervention strategy, notes and a completion date  Deemed “minor” infractions  Will be adding “other” as an option

11  Also entered by attending staff member, not necessarily classroom or homeroom teacher  More serious in nature---could result in office referral  Intervention strategy and completion dates also needed

12  Entered by Administrator  More serious offences---those perhaps resulting in a suspension  Also requires action, intervention and completion fields to be completed.  Suspension letter to be auto populated by TPM based on incident---in developmental stage.

13  Filled in by SSS Personnel  Will also be a SSS Referral Form for DET’s to utilize.

14  Currently being developed by TPM  To be utilized by DET’s at the school level to make a referral for SSS support.

15  Intuitive software  Highly customizable  Report Generator and filtering system  Will be growing pains and “wrinkles”  Feedback loop to occur in the spring---- revised versions uploaded several times per year  “Help desk”/FAQ’s and general support available

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