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MRS. SOSTARICS Welcome! 6 th Grade Science. Supplies A Composition Notebook to use as their science journal throughout the school year. A 2 pocket folder.

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Presentation on theme: "MRS. SOSTARICS Welcome! 6 th Grade Science. Supplies A Composition Notebook to use as their science journal throughout the school year. A 2 pocket folder."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRS. SOSTARICS Welcome! 6 th Grade Science

2 Supplies A Composition Notebook to use as their science journal throughout the school year. A 2 pocket folder that comes to class with them every day. I call this their working folder. There should be paper in this folder. Goggles can still be purchased at the Hadley office. Wish List: Disinfectant Wipes…to keep the tables clean!

3 Units of Study Safety Measurement/Metrics Scientific Method Matter Plate Tectonics Unicellular Organisms

4 Science Journals The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers, and writers. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other activities where students will be asked to express their own ideas and process the information presented in class. 3-4 quick-writes per week, 2-3 more extended writings per month, and 1-2 more lengthy pieces per trimester

5 Typical Progression Through Units Pre-Test SMART Goal Setting Instruction/Labs/Practice Detailed Feedback Assessments (Formative) Reflection on Learning/Goal Assessment(s) (Summative) Final Goal/Unit Reflection Everything is Aligned with Targets/Objectives

6 Safety/Measurement Targets 1 I can identify the appropriate safety procedures of the science classroom. 2 I can use basic metric prefixes and convert from one to another. 3 I can define length, mass, weight, volume, density, and tools used to find them. 4 I can find the length, mass, volume, and density of objects.

7 SM RT Goal The SMART Goal is a goal that Students fill out at the beginning of each unit. Serves to guide students towards self- improvement in both academics and work habits throughout the unit. We have aligned with Hadley’s Work Habits Rubric and District 41’s Learner Characteristics to ensure your student is being held accountable to the best of his/her ability

8 Grades Should Be… Consistent Accurate Meaningful Supportive of Learning

9 Who should pack YOUR parachute?

10 Assessment OF Learning (Summative Assessment) ACADEMIC GRADES  Assessments designed to provide information about a student’s achievement at the end of a period of instruction.  Could include tests, projects, performances, etc.  These provide scores, which are calculated into the final grade.  It is important that students are graded on the Assessment OF Learning pieces only, as they reflect what is ultimately learned at the end of the unit.

11 ACADEMIC GRADING SCALE 100%-98% = Advanced Achievement (A) 97%-85% = Meeting (M) 84%-70% = Progressing (P) 69%-0% = Not Meeting (NM)

12 Assessments FOR Learning (Formative Assessments) WORK HABITS  Assessments designed to provide direction for improvement and/or adjustment to a program for individual students or for a whole class.  Could include quizzes, initial drafts/attempts, homework, and questions during instruction.  They are meant to be risk-free.  They should not be calculated into the final grade.

13 WORK HABITS SCALE Meeting (M) or 3 Progressing (P) or 2 Not Meeting (NM) or 1 Advanced Achievement (A) or 4

14 DISTRICT 41 WORK HABITS RUBRIC By fostering strong work habits, District 41 students will be prepared to embrace change, to bring compassion and optimism to all their endeavors, and to nurture a life-long pursuit of knowledge. M = Meeting P = Progressing NM = Not Meeting A = Advanced Achievement A student who merits an M is one who has met the work habits expectations by exhibiting the behaviors listed below. A student who merits a P is one who is progressing toward meeting the work habits expectations by exhibiting some of the behaviors listed below. A student who merits a NM is one who has not yet met work habits expectations consistently and exhibits some of the behaviors listed below. A student who merits an A is one who has exemplified the work habits without exception. DESCRIPTORS OF EXPECTED WORK HABIT LEVELS MPNMA ASSIGNMENTS Assignments are the evidence of the student’s commitment to learning and excellence. They are the required practice by which a student not only deepens understanding but also indicates progression toward an objective. Accepts responsibility for learning, solves complex problems, submits quality assignments (accurate, precise, neat, legible, attends to requirements) on time, and makes up work in a timely manner. Sometimes submits assignments on time, and/or completes some assignments with inconsistencies in quality (accuracy, precision, neatness, legibility, attends to requirements). Frequently does not complete quality assignments (accurate, precise, neat, legible, attends to requirements). Has missing, late, or incomplete assignments regularly. Submits excellent, quality work that conveys an intrinsic motivation, an inquisitive enthusiasm, and an inherent respect for the learning process. BEHAVIOR Behavior is the code of conduct by which the student uses social- awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships in order to achieve school and life success. Follows classroom rules, focuses on teacher and/or task, exhibits self- control, accepts responsibility for behavior, respects others and the learning environment, and collaborates positively with teachers and peers. Sometimes follows classroom rules, but can be uncooperative with class members and/or exhibit disruptive behavior. Frequently ignores classroom rules, is uncooperative with class members, and/or exhibits disruptive behavior. Respects the classroom as a place for diverse points of view and experiences. Models resilient, adaptive, and cooperative behaviors that enhance the learning environment. PREPARATION and ORGANIZATION for ACADEMIC WORK Preparation and organization are essential traits necessary for the student’s daily success. Considers the day and arrives to class completely prepared, locates materials readily, takes notes, utilizes an effective organizational system to enhance learning, draws on academic resources, uses class time effectively, and seeks extra help when needed. Sometimes comes to class with materials, occasionally uses class time and available support, and/or may be unable to locate work or resources. Frequently comes to class without needed materials and is unable to locate needed work or resources. Class time and/or additional support are not utilized regularly. Anticipates future needs and manages impending hurdles, i.e., retakes, absences, appointments, homework conflicts, etc., proactively and independently. ACCOUNTABILITY for LEARNING Accountability for learning reflects the student’s decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community context. Attends class regularly, participates in class discussions and activities, sets and monitors goals, and when necessary, seeks out teacher or other support independently. Sometimes attends to make-up work without frequent reminders, participates to some extent in class discussions and activities, somewhat monitors goals, and/or is beginning to take an active role in his/her learning. Frequently absent without attention to make-up work, must be repeatedly reminded to do assigned work, fails to participate in discussions and activities, does not monitor goals, and/or does not take an active role in his/her learning. Utilizes connections between present and future opportunities to shape behavior, thinks critically and reflectively to guide decision- making, and advocates for oneself and others to lead responsibly and responsively.

15 6 th Grade Science Homework (Assessment FOR Learning) Written assignments are given intermittently and are related to labs and class work. On days when written homework is not assigned, students are responsible for completing one of the following types of homework: spending 5-10 minutes reflecting on the day’s content (perhaps sharing what they have learned with someone at home) reviewing recent vocabulary, entries in their science journal, or previous writing assignments thinking about their SMART goals set for the current unit working on completing the three required anchor activities for the current unit of study

16 Extra Credit Extra Credit = any credit given that inflates the actual grade beyond the true total Extra credit is not issued because it inflates the achievement grade and does not provide a true picture of what was learned and mastered by the student. Students cannot fall back on extra credit for missed work, incomplete work, lack of effort throughout trimester.




20 Contact Information Email: Teacher Website: 630-534-7483

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