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Mary Sobba Agriculture Business Specialist Using Spreadsheets in Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Sobba Agriculture Business Specialist Using Spreadsheets in Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Sobba Agriculture Business Specialist Using Spreadsheets in Agriculture

2 What is a spreadsheet A program that uses a computer to perform numeric calculations rapidly and accurately. It has a worksheet area divided into rows and columns. The intersection where they meet is called a cell. A cell can contain numbers, text or a forumula.

3 Types Quattro Pro by Corel Excel by Microsoft Works by Microsoft Lotus by Lotus


5 Why Excel? Universal Popular Can open many types of files

6 Potential Uses Equipment Inventory Balance Sheet Amortization Field Records Ratio Calculations Grain Inventory Breakeven Analysis Lease vs. Purchase Budgeting Machinery Economics and more

7 Spreadsheets Can… Solve math equations Sort numeric or alphabetic Chart data

8 Where to find spreadsheets FAST tools MU AgEBB –(then click on File Sharing) Other Universities Build your own Becareful where you download! You want a reputable source.



11 Questions? Mary Sobba (573) 581-3231

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