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Freddy and the Field Day Dilemma By: The Awesome Student Teachers.

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1 Freddy and the Field Day Dilemma By: The Awesome Student Teachers

2 This is Freddy and he is 12 years old. Freddy is in the 6 th grade at Oak Mountain Middle School. Freddy is excited about the ending of the school year and his first upcoming field day.

3 On Friday, Freddy made the mistake of going through the lunch line without sanitizing his hands first. When he got to his lunch table, he noticed his friend Billy was sneezing and coughing. Before thinking about it, Freddy reached up and gave Billy an enthusiastic high five for stuffing his entire sandwich in his mouth all at once.

4 A few days later, Freddy rouse by a hacking cough, nasal congestion and an extremely sore throat. He grabbed a tissue from his bedside table to tried and blow his nose. Freddy went on with his day without taking any medicine.

5 Freddy’s symptoms were getting worse and now consisted of body aches, a runny nose and a slight fever. On Monday morning the symptoms were in full force and Freddy’s mother decided to not take any chances. She told Freddy that she had made an appointment with Dr. Smith.

6 Upon arriving to her office, Dr. Smith noticed Freddy’s weakened state, runny nose and pronounced cough. She asked him about how long he had been sick and any other symptoms he was experiencing. After giving him a full exam, Dr. Smith diagnosed him with a cold and awarded Freddy with a new, blue truck for his good behavior.

7 Before Freddy left the office, Dr. Smith instructed him to get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids. She also told Freddy if the cold persisted to purchase some over- the- counter cough syrup and a decongestant to help clear his nasal passage. Freddy’s mother dropped Freddy off at home while she ran to get the drugstore.

8 For the next three days Freddy stayed in bed and felt horrible. His teacher was worried and tried to come visit after school, but Freddy was too sick to see her. By Thursday, his symptoms were yet to improve so his mother went to the pharmacy and purchased the medicine Dr. Smith requested.

9 On Saturday morning, Freddy awoke feeling much better. He told his mother that he was able to get out of bed and play. He was feeling so well that he was allowed to join his friends in riding bikes outside at Herdmont.

10 With his cold out of site, Freddy returned to school on Monday just in time to participate in the field day he was so excited about. He ended up throwing the longest shot put in school history and setting a new record. He had a blast and his team did great in all the events.


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