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Presentation on theme: "R EVIVING C ORNERSTONE W ORSHIP C ENTER By: Ashley Cox."— Presentation transcript:


2 B ACKGROUND AND H ISTORY OF CWC Pastor Michael and Sharon Cox began church in 1987. Started as Church of God religion based now non- denominational. Began with two members, now over 500! ‘Cornerstone Worship Center of Jamaica’ began in 1999.

3 P ROBLEMS Lacking quality PR in surrounding County). CWC must change broadcasting networks and time of broadcast in order to reach the desired audience. Lack of information given concerning children’s ministry. CWC must begin to put more interest into children’s ministry.

4 G OALS By August of 2009 have airtime on FOX6 and TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). Hire a full-time employee for children’s department. CWC’s ministry making an in-pact not only in the church but in local communities and families alike.

5 O BJECTIVES The following actions need to be taken in order to address the problems previously stated: Invest in different TV slot times in order to address a different crowd. Air more than one TV program during the week on more than one TV station. Begin a door-to-door ministry in local neighborhoods. Hire a PR representative or a full-time employee to strictly manage the children’s program.

6 A UDIENCE Primary audience concerning improvements on children’s ministry would be family’s (parents, children, grandparents, etc.) Primary audience concerning improvements on television program would be Calhoun County

7 S TRATEGIES AND T ACTICS By investing in different airtimes, CWC can focus more on a diverse group of people People not wanting to leave the privacy of there homes Help accommodate the disabled Door-to-door ministry should include employees and volunteer members. By visiting people in there homes, you begin to know one another on a more personal level. Bringing in potential viewer s more intimately will help insure confidence within that person

8 S TRATEGIES AND T ACTICS CONTINUED Family is a key factor in church, therefore representing the children’s ministry in a positive way is very important. When parents realize the time and effort being put into their children, that will greatly influence their decision to stay with the church. Parents will be able to worship freely during service knowing that their children are in great hands.

9 2009 C ALENDAR (K AY H AZEL - FORMER ALABAMA DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN ’ S MINISTRIES ) JANUARY Inform employees of new changes. Begin re-evaluation of children’s ministry. FEBRUARY Begin preparation to re- launch television ministry. CWC staff hires Kay Hazel as new children’s minister. MARCH Kay Hazel begins training in children’s department Begin fundraisers to earn money for new TV. airing time APRIL Begin preparation for a kid’s festival at CWC during spring break. (possibly advertise on MAY Spring break festival (week of spring break) Ask members of church to volunteer for door-to-door ministry. JUNE Begin advertisement on and FOX6, informing viewers of the upcoming changes

10 C ONTINUED C ALENDAR JULY Kay Hazel and other attend the National Children’s Ministry Convention in Daytona Beach, FL AUGUST Buy airtime on FOX6 for Monday-Friday (nightly) Sponsor a church golf t- ment to help raise money for children’s ministry SEPTEMBER Preview Day. First Sunday in September. Preview of new and improved children’s ministry (only available to CWC members) OCTOBER Begin putting finishing touches on new children’s ministry. NOVEMBER First Sunday of November open new children’s program to public DECEMBER Office staff has an ‘end of the year meeting’ and take a look at what has been accomplished throughout the year and begin setting goals for next year. Evaluating process

11 BUDGET P.R. resource Cost Description Target Audience Begin Door-to-door $225.00 Three times a week, Surrounding Ministry travel to local homes Communities to visit. Full-time children’s $55,000- To help benefit and Parents and Children Minister $80,000 grow the church. Of surrounding communities Flyers $300.00 Inform surrounding neighboring are about upcoming communities events. Broadcasting time $1,000 Commercial playing K98 listening audience On WVOK, K98 in a loop throughout (young adults) the week. National Children’s $11,500 Train CWC Parents and children Ministry convention employees of CWC Yearly Total Expenses: $73025.00

12 E VALUATION The new improvements will be viewed as a success when CWC begins to see drastic improvements in every are of the church. Begin to have a more diverse group of people drawn in (due to the change of television stations) With a little publicity the children’s ministry will take off By December 2009 CWC will be able to see drastic improvements

13 R EFERENCE Kingdom by design. (2008). Retrieved November 26 th 2008. Web Site: http://www.cwcchurch.com Personal Interviews Michael Cox. Pastor CWC. Interviewed November 25 th Sharon Cox. Interviewed November 25 th Tonya Gossage. Interviewed November 17th


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