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Rotary and Form 990N Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary and Form 990N Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary and Form 990N Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax

2 Before Filing Each Club must have its own EIN

3 Who Must File? Although a ‘Subordinate Organization’ of Rotary International Each Club must file its own return

4 Which Form? Form 990? Form 990EZ? Form 990N?

5 Form 990  Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≥ $200,000 Or  Total Assets ≥ $500,000

6 Form 990EZ $50,000 $200,000

7 Form 990N Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≤ $50,000

8 A Definition Gross Receipts – amounts pledged or given to the club during the accounting year

9 Another Definition Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≤ $50,000 3 conditions 1. In existence for ≤ 1 year & gross receipts ≤ $75,000 2. In existence 1 to 3 years & average gross receipts ≤ $60,000 3. In existence for at least 3 years and average gross receipts ≤ $50,000 for immediately preceding 3 years

10 Examples

11 Rotary Club of Big Small Town  Organized September 5, 2012  Received Cash$70,000 Other Property 1,000 $71,000

12 Rotary Club of Big Small Town  In existence less than 1 year  Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≤ $75,000  Files 990N

13 Paradise Evening Rotary Club  Organized June 11, 2011  Gross Receipts 2011$73,000 2012 20,000 2013 (so far) 35,000

14 Paradise Evening Rotary Club  In existence more than 1 year & less than 3  Average gross receipts = $46,500 for the first 2 years  Normal Annual Gross Receipts < $60,000  Files 990N

15 Big Old City Noon Rotary Club Situation 1  Organized in the last century  Gross receipts 2010$ 4,000 2011 45,000 2012 200,000

16 Big Old City Noon Rotary Club – Situation 1  In existence more than 3 years  Average gross receipts = $49,667 for the last 3 years  Normal Average Gross Receipts < $50,000  Files 990N

17 Big Old City Noon Rotary Club – Situation 2  Organized in the last century  Gross Receipts 2011$ 45,000 2012 100,000 2013 75,000

18 Big Old City Noon Rotary Club – Situation 2  In existence more than 3 years  Average Gross Receipts for last 3 years = $73,333  Normal Annual Gross Receipts > $50,000 but > $200,000  Files 990EZ

19 How to File  Only electronically  Go either to or

20 Information Necessary to File  Organization’s name – Rotary International  Other name used – ex. d/b/a Kearney Dawn Rotary Club  Club’s mailing address  Club’s website  Club’s EIN  Club’s principal office – the president  Organization’s tax year – calendar year  Club’s annual gross receipts  Is the club still a going concern?

21 When is the 990N considered filed  Must be filed electronically Paper return not accepted as a filed 990N  From 990N must be complete An incomplete Form 990 is not accepted as a filed 990

22 When is Form 990N complete?  All applicable lines are complete  Each question is answered unless the instructions direct not to answer  Entries are made on all lines requiring an amount even if that amount is 0  Explanations are provided as instructed

23 Filing Late  IRS will send notifications if return is not filed on time  There is no penalty for filing a late 990N

24 Failure to File for 3 Years If a club fails to file Form 990N for 3 consecutive years it will LOSE its TAX EXEMPT STATUS as of the filing date of the third year

25 Reinstatement of Tax Exempt Status  Form 1024, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a) must be filed  Form 8718, User Fee for Exempt Organization Determination Letter Request, must be filed  Form 8718 fee must be paid at the time of filing  Currently the fee is $850

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