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Confidential Internal use Summary : Point Cloud capture : 8 positions

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Presentation on theme: "Confidential Internal use Summary : Point Cloud capture : 8 positions"— Presentation transcript:

1 DCNS PROJECT Laser Scanner FARO LS 420 & Model with InovX PlantX software
Confidential Internal use Summary : Point Cloud capture : 8 positions Cleaning and assembling point cloud Direct measurements on the point cloud & Colorised scans Model with InovX PlantX software Datas exported to AutoCAD 6. Scan ARM use. Par Christophe Bénard – Responsable Laser Scanner France

2 1. Point Cloud capture : 8 positions
Confidential Internal use

3 2. Cleaning and assembling point cloud
Confidential Internal use 2. Cleaning and assembling point cloud

4 3. Direct measurements on the point cloud & Colorised scans
Confidential Internal use

5 4. Model with InovX PlantX software
Confidential Internal use

6 5. Datas exported to AutoCAD
Confidential Internal use

7 Confidential Internal use
6. Scan ARM use on the no accessible zones with laser scanner LS & points cloud in Geomagic software Vue de dessus Confidential Internal use

8 Confidential Internal use Comments:
In the project, it is important to catch a maximum of points cloud to get a maximum of information in the area before to model. The ScanARM use is not a big advantage in this case because the area is very small. To grow the scan positions seems to be more profitable (use the LS without tripod). InovX PlantX software is used to model and AutoCAD software to work on the model to calculate and create the maintenance on the Marine Boats.

9 Confidential Internal use Demonstration FARO à Brest
Equipment used: Laser Scanner FARO LS420 + Digital Camera + FARO Scene software+ FARO Scan ARM Software used: InovX PlantX Contact Faro: Christophe Bénard

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