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Welcome to AP Bio with Mr. Jenks September 8, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AP Bio with Mr. Jenks September 8, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to AP Bio with Mr. Jenks September 8, 2015

2 Today’s Objective SWBAT – Get to know Mr. Jenks. Learn the rules and procedures of his classroom. Review the syllabus and expectations of the class.

3 About Me – Educational Background Graduated from Michigan State University in 2010 Majored in Chemistry, minored in Biology Went back to school in 2011 for my teaching certificate Completed my student teaching at Renaissance in 2011 with Ms. Bridges. Was hired in 2012 as a full time teacher Taught Biology, Chemistry, NGS First year of teaching AP Biology

4 About Me – Some Personal Information I love sports Attend every home Michigan State football game Coached JV Baseball at Dearborn High School I come from a big family 2 brothers and 3 sisters Became an uncle this past February and then again in August, and will be one again in October

5 About Me – Some Personal Information Other interests include reading, playing games and spending time with family and friends. Please let me know if you have any questions for me! Or if you just want to chat about ANYTHING come and see me at lunch!

6 Classroom Rules 1. Treat others politely and be kind towards one another. 2. Use personal and school equipment responsibly and respectfully. 3. Be prepared for class every day. 4. Follow directions the first time they are given and stay on task during all work times. 5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

7 Classroom Rules – Discipline If you break one of the rules the following disciplinary procedures will be taken: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Sent in the hallway 3. Call home 4. Meeting with parent 5. Sent to assistant principal

8 Procedures Beginning of class All backpacks and purses should be left in the hallway – you only need your binder and something to write with! Bellwork Questions – I will ask for questions AFTER BELLWORK. Do not come up and ask me any questions. Absent? Place any absent work in the bin near my computer. Tardy? Wait outside the door until I come and open it.

9 Procedures Bellwork First 5 minutes of EVERY class. Should be completely silent – this is time for you to get your mind thinking about science. You will have 3 minutes, as indicated by the timer, to start and answer the bellwork. Then I will take 1 minute to walk around the room and stamp your bellwork. You will receive a stamp if you have answered or begun to answer the question. You will NOT receive a stamp if you are talking during bellwork, or are not working. The easiest way to get the points is to get here on time and get started right away. Bellwork CANNOT be made up if you are tardy or are absent

10 Procedures Collecting Homework Place in ONE pile at your table. I will come around and collect them. If I am only checking homework I will come around and stamp it for completion. During this time you should be discussing your answer with the person next to you.

11 Procedures Attention Signal When you guys are working and I need your attention. I will raise both hands and count down from 5 by the time I hit 0, your eyes and ears should be focused on me. If you are not then everybody will be staying after class. Group work Talk with the people at your table ONLY.

12 Procedures Bathroom Please take care of any personal issues BEFORE class. Raising Your Hand I don’t want anybody raising their hand to answer questions. I will call on you either using the notecards you will make, or by randomly calling on people. Why? Makes everybody accountable for the information.

13 Procedures Ending Class If we are doing a lab, your equipment should be placed back how it was when you came into class. I will dismiss you when I am ready to let you go. Everybody must be seated at their table before you may leave. If you are the last class of the day, please put your chair on top of the table.

14 Procedures The Room Set Up Objective, Homework, Agenda Returned Papers Lab ware The dreaded sink Eye wash station

15 Notecards Side with the lines Name Email Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Email Parent/Guardian Phone Number Side with NO lines 3 interests/hobbies that you have outside of school 2 awesome things you did over the summer 1 unique thing about you

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