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10/25/2015 miniscan ltd. 10/25/2015 miniscan ltd We would like to SHARE A NEW PRODUCT WITH YOU we think you will find it useful.

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Presentation on theme: "10/25/2015 miniscan ltd. 10/25/2015 miniscan ltd We would like to SHARE A NEW PRODUCT WITH YOU we think you will find it useful."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/25/2015 miniscan ltd

2 10/25/2015 miniscan ltd We would like to SHARE A NEW PRODUCT WITH YOU we think you will find it useful

3 10/25/2015 Introducing miniscan If you need to scan barcodes from remote areas you are running Windows and don’t want expensive technical scanners We have a product you will like

4 10/25/2015 Introducing miniscan SMALL keep on key ring CHEAP fraction of the price ACCURATE beeps and lights confirm EASY TO USE only two buttons to push

5 10/25/2015 miniscan Scan Barcodes from Warehouse or Stock sheets –miniscan holds up to 150 barcodes –Download them at your convenience

6 10/25/2015 miniscan ltd Software has been set up to use –W–Windows programs Word/Excel/Notepad And other programs run in Windows –S–Such as Warehousing Stock Control

7 10/25/2015 miniscan THE SOFTWARE Uploads barcodes Asks for selected program Downloads to your selected screen

8 10/25/2015 miniscan Selection Window –This you have to pre set (see Advanced next) Pick & Click Select barcodes are downloaded to your chosen program

9 10/25/2015 miniscan Advanced Section to be initially pre set Set your programs you will be using, give it a name ONCE SAVED –Will always be available in list


11 10/25/2015 miniscan Simplicity of miniscan –Large button to scan, small button to deduct if scanned twice in error –No other buttons to push

12 10/25/2015 miniscan USING MINISCAN –Push button to scan –Beep confirms –Plus green light –Red light, battery low

13 10/25/2015 miniscan USING MINISCAN –Uses 4 button batteries –Red light warns and stops use if low Fresh batteries –give approximately 5,000 scans

14 10/25/2015 miniscan ltd Contact us for your order on mobile 07766466707 –o–or fax on 0117 986 1997 I hope this is of interest to you –L–Let us quote you

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