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Ford PAS Next Generation Learning Professional Development Workshop Effingham County School System Mini Institute March 6, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Ford PAS Next Generation Learning Professional Development Workshop Effingham County School System Mini Institute March 6, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ford PAS Next Generation Learning Professional Development Workshop Effingham County School System Mini Institute March 6, 2012

2 Workshop Goals Examine effective instructional strategies to prepare students for success in college and the workplace through the context of Ford PAS Next Generation Learning Begin the process of building a collaborative Ford PAS Learning Community Gain experience with an academically rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum Explore techniques to build students’ skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork Learn strategies for linking classroom learning with real-world applications Reflect on teaching practices and share classroom experiences Share implementation ideas

3 Welcoming Remarks

4 Community Agreements Show up – choose to be present Pay attention – to heart and meaning Tell the truth – without blame or judgment Be open to outcome – not attached to outcome Get what you need What agreements would you like to add?

5 Uranium Mine

6 Components Conduit/toolRopeContainer Marble = Uranium

7 Task Team moves the uranium down the track and places it into the safety vault.

8 Rules 1.Each worker on the team must have the uranium pass through her/his conduit before a person can have the uranium pass through her/his conduit a second time. 2.A worker can only move when she/he does not have the uranium in her/his conduit. 3.When a worker has the uranium in her/his conduit, she/he can only move the conduit in a teeter-totter motion from the center point of the conduit. 4.The worker may not move the conduit from side to side, or raise or lower the conduit when the uranium is in her/his possession. 5.If the uranium touches any worker, her/his clothing or touches the ground, the uranium must be returned to the initial site.

9 Facilitator 1.Blows whistle when there is an infraction on the work site. 2.Point out the progress of the group. 3.Records specific comments made during the experience to log group dynamics and the experience as it unfolds. 4.Asks questions during the experience that helps group focus: –How have you improved so far? What have you learned individually that you could pass on to others? What is the problem that you are trying to solve? Are there any new problems that you are facing now?

10 Debrief How would you describe your communication as a team? How did it change over time? What problems did you have to solve in order to succeed? Was there a leader in this activity? What did she/he do to guide the group? How did worker attitudes influence the group’s effectiveness? In what ways did you have to modify your plans once you began work? Why?

11 Experiencing Problem- solving and Teamwork: Making Product Decisions

12 Session Goals Understand the rationale for using teamwork to help students learn knowledge and problem-solving skills Identify the challenges of engaging students in teamwork Identify strategies for supporting teamwork in your classroom Become familiar with Module 1, Activity 3: Making Product Decisions

13 What You Will Do in This Session Engage in a sample activity :Making Product Decisions:  Take on the roles of members of different departments within Acme Soft Drink Company  Meet with members of other departments and make decisions about Acme’s new product line Discuss instructional strategies for supporting teamwork & problem-solving in your classroom

14 Module 1, Activity 3: Making Product Decisions You will have approximately 45 minutes to conduct your department meetings Make decisions about the company’s new product line, based on information that you are given Become an expert for your department and determine the non-negotiables based on the information that you read for your assigned department.

15 Jigsaw into Team Meetings You have 45 minutes to meet in your company team meetings to design the new product line. Record your final decisions on chart paper. You will present your decisions to the whole group. Refer to the “Soft Drink Production Plan” presentation rubric (RM 3.1)

16 What Makes a Team What does it mean to work in a team? Imagine you are doing this activity in your classroom, what kinds of things would you be looking for in your students? What are some characteristics of an effective team?

17 Learning from Teamwork How did the teamwork aspect deepen and/or support your learning? What skills or knowledge did you learn by engaging as a team that you might not have learned by working on it individually?

18 Challenges of Teamwork What are the challenges of having students work in teams? Are the challenges of engaging students in teamwork worth it? Why or why not? What are some strategies to overcome the challenges of teamwork on the classroom?

19 Making the Connection What role could teamwork play in your classroom and school culture? How does this type of learning relate to how tasks are accomplished in your practice?

20 Skills for Success Debrief What? What did we learn from this activity? So What? Why is what we learned important? Now What? What are we going to do with what we have learned?

21 A Walk Through the Ford PAS Website

22 Ford PAS Website

23 Exploring Ford PAS Modules in Print Teacher Guides & Student Guides

24 Session Goals Understand the structure and layout of the Ford PAS curriculum materials Identify and be able to effectively use different curriculum elements, such as Tips and Teacher Information pages Understand the various components integral to the Ford PAS program on the Ford PAS Website

25 What You Will Do in This Session… Go through a Module Teacher Guide and learn about the elements of the curriculum Review the Ford PAS Website Register for an account at the Ford PAS Website if you have not already

26 Curriculum Materials One Student Guide per module Module Teacher Guide with Student Guide embedded Online resources on the Ford PAS Website Multimedia resources

27 Teacher Guide Module Overview T _Introduction T _ Activities at a Glance T _ Planning Calendar T _Learning Goals T _Correlation with National Academic Standards

28 Teacher Guide Activity Overview (blue pages with T before the page #) Student Introduction Learning Goals For Your Glossary Student Guide Activity Overview (white pages with regular page #) Student Guide Activity Overview (white pages with regular page #) Before You Teach Materials Needed Vocabulary

29 Teacher Guide Icons Teacher-Initiated Section Tip Web Site Resource Teacher Information Skill Resource

30 Teaching Instructions

31 Product Assessments

32 Reproducible Masters (RMs)

33 Adapting with Fidelity Essential features that maintain the integrity of the curriculum Academic rigor Real world contexts Inquiry-based learning Integrating technology Assessable learning goals Teamwork

34 Ford PAS Website Overview

35 Site-Coordinators w/ “exact” organization names Jenny Williams – Technical College System of GA Gilda Lyon – Georgia Department of Education

36 Lunch Time

37 Concurrent Sessions

38 Planning For Business Success

39 Wealth of Nations Module 13 Activity 3

40 Learning Goals Analyze standard of living indicators in order to predict the presence of a skilled workforce. Explain how skill development relates to standard of living and productivity. Use demographic data to explain the effect of population trends on the workforce.

41 Module 13 The Wealth of Nations Activity 1-Creating Wealth Activity 2-Measuring economic Well- Being Activity 3-The Human Factor

42 Clean Water Tech Clean Water Tech is a successful manufacturing and distributor of water filtration and disinfection technologies. Clean Water Tech believes they can relieve hardships of people living in water stressed regions. They are concerned about the feasibility of successfully opening and running production facilities abroad. Your job is to analyze the data given and make a recommendation to Clean Water Tech on which particular country would be a good location to which to expand its business

43 Vocabulary Assets GDP per capita Human Capital Productivity Standard of Living

44 Procedures We will conduct four rounds of the Standards of Living Comparison: country Profiles (RM- 3.1) After each round record data about each country on the Standard of Living Comparison: Notes (RM 3.2) Then record your recommendation that you would make to Clean Water Tech about the country that would be the best one to relocate their company.

45 Questions for Consideration What if anything does the data provided show about the distribution of wealth within a country? What are the limitations of using per capita income as a sole measure of standard of living? You made decisions based on your perception of these countries standard of living. How would this information help you make recommendations to Clean Water Tech. Why would information about standard of living be relevant to a business wishing to locate to another country?

46 Countries Being Considered A - Russia B - China C - India D - South Africa E - Mexico F - Brazil

47 Session Debrief What specific skills did the students use? Which academic courses? How could the activity be made more current?

48 Reflections on Concurrent Sessions Form pairs with someone who attended a different session from you. In your pairs tell each other what you did in your concurrent session. Talk about how you might use one of these activities in your classroom

49 Implementation & Planning Team Time Complete the Implementation Planning form As a team, what do you plan to accomplish before the follow-up workshop

50 Closing Moves Sharing implementation ideas Next steps Evaluations Final Reflections

51 Reflections Continuum of my current practice 10 all the time 1 never In my current practice how often do I use the teaching pillars in Ford PAS? How often do I incorporate the learning pillars of Ford PAS?

52 Continuum Given my experiences toady, what are the implications for my current practice? I will stop doing I will continue doing I will start doing

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