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Domain 1 – Setting Project Requirements ACA Certification Adobe Rich Media Communications Using Flash Professional CS6.

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1 Domain 1 – Setting Project Requirements ACA Certification Adobe Rich Media Communications Using Flash Professional CS6

2 Objectives 2 1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for rich media content. 1.2 Identify rich media content that is relevant to the purpose of the media in which it will be used (websites, mobile devices, and so on). 1.3 Understand options for producing accessible rich media content. 1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copy right rules (related terms, obtaining permission, and citing copyrighted material). 1.5 Understanding project management tasks and responsibilities. 1.6 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design and content plans) 22

3 Vocabulary 3 Accessibility Copyright Copyrighted Deliverables Derivative Works Design Comp Fair Use Doctrine Intellectual Property Kiosk Publication Scope Creep Target audience 33

4 Use Flash to: – Develop animations that are part of a product and delivered via the Internet – Create enhancements to web pages, such as animated logos, interactive navigation buttons, and banner ads – Create games for smart phones Plan an Application

5 Domain 1.0 - Setting Project Requirements 5 The first domain of the Rich Media Communicationcertification focuses on setting project requirements. The first domain of the Rich Media Communication certification focuses on setting project requirements. This domain is similar to the first domain in the WebCommunication and the Visual Communication certificationobjectives. This domain is similar to the first domain in the Web Communication and the Visual Communication certification objectives. 55

6 Objective 1.1 Identify the Purpose, Audience, and Audience Needs for a Website 6 It is important to determine the target audience; thatis, who will be using the rich media content you createin Flash. It is important to determine the target audience; that is, who will be using the rich media content you create in Flash. Characteristics of the audience to consider include age,occupation, gender, education, residence, ethnicity, andcomputer literacy competencies. Characteristics of the audience to consider include age, occupation, gender, education, residence, ethnicity, and computer literacy competencies. Consider the purpose of the web site when determiningthe content and design. Consider the purpose of the web site when determining the content and design. 66

7 Planning an application or an entire website should include: 1.Stating the Purpose (Goals). “What do we want to accomplish?” 2.Identifying the Target Audience. “Who will use our application or website?” 3.Determining the Treatment. “What is the look and feel?” 4.Developing the Specifications and Storyboard. Plan an Application

8 Defining Treatment – Tone: Will the website be humorous, serious, light, formal, or informal? – Approach: How much direction will be provided? – Emphasis: How much emphasis will be placed on various multimedia elements? Plan an Application

9 Objective 1.2 Identify Rich Media Content that Is Relevant to the Purpose of the Media in Which It Will Be Used 9 Once you determine the context and audience, it isimportant to consider where the information will beviewed. Once you determine the context and audience, it is important to consider where the information will be viewed. A kiosk is a computer terminal that provides self-serviceaccess to electronic media. A kiosk is a computer terminal that provides self-service access to electronic media. 99

10 © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Sample Flowchart A flowchart is a visual representation of how the contents of an application or a website are organized and how various screens are linked. Plan an Application

11 Specifications state what will be included in each screen as well as: – The Playback System: the choice of what configuration to target for playback – Elements to include: details about the various elements included in the site – Functionality: the way the program reacts to an action by a user Plan an Application

12 A storyboard shows the layout of the various screens, often in the form of thumbnail sketches. It describes the contents and illustrates how text, graphics, animation, and other screen elements will be positioned. Plan an Application

13 Sample Storyboard

14 Screen design guidelines. – Balance refers to the distribution of optical weight in the layout of the screen design – Unity helps the screen objects reinforce each other – Intra-screen unity refers to how the various screen objects relate and how they all fit Plan an Application

15 Screen design guidelines (continued) – Inter-screen unity refers to the design that viewers encounter as they navigate from one screen to another, and how it provides consistency throughout the entire application or site – Movement refers to the way the viewer’s eyes move through the objects on the screen Plan an Application

16 Objective 1.3 Understand Options for Producing Accessible Rich Media Content 16 Adobe Flash Player is available as a cross-platform plug-in for web browsers to provide rich media content. Adobe Flash Player is available as a cross-platform plug- in for web browsers to provide rich media content. Accessibility refers to delivering rich media content sothat it can also be viewed by individuals with disabilitieswithout missing any content. Accessibility refers to delivering rich media content so that it can also be viewed by individuals with disabilities without missing any content. As with any rich media content, it should be testedbefore being deployed to the end user, including foraccessibility. As with any rich media content, it should be tested before being deployed to the end user, including for accessibility. 16

17 Using Interactive Design Guidelines Simplicity: make it easy so users don’t have to spend time learning what the application does Consistency: build in consistency in the navigation scheme so users don’t get lost Plan an Application

18 Using Interactive Design Guidelines Feedback: provide feedback to user’s when completing an action, such as changing the color of a clicked box User control: allow the user to skip long introductions and provide controls for starting, rewinding, and skipping animations Plan an Application

19 Guidelines for a general workflow process 1.Create/acquire the elements to be used in the application a)Text, photos, drawing, video, audio 2.Arrange the elements on the Stage and create animations 3.Apply special effects 4.Create the interactivity 5.Test and publish the application a)Have a focus group do usability testing Plan an Application

20 Project Management – Develop a project plan that provides the project scope and identifies the milestones, including analyzing, designing, building, testing, and launching – Identify personnel and resources needs, budget, tasks, and schedules – Successful projects are a team effort Plan an Application

21 Objective 1.4 Demonstrate Knowledge of Standard Copyright Rules 21 Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind and may include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights, and trade secrets. Copyright is a category of intellectual property providing protection to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. 21

22 Objective 1.4 Demonstrate Knowledge of Standard Copyright Rules (cont.) 22 A derivative work is a work that is based on or derived from one or more existing works (and previously published). The 1976 Copyright Act defines publication as the distribution of copies of a work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending. 22

23 Objective 1.4 Demonstrate Knowledge of Standard Copyright Rules (cont.) 23 The fair use doctrine allows copyrighted work to be reproduced for a variety of reasons including news reporting, teaching, parody, and research. 23

24 Objective 1.5 Understand Project Management Tasks and Responsibilities 24 It is important to create a plan for working on a projectwhether you are working alone, as part of a team, or for aclient. It is important to create a plan for working on a project whether you are working alone, as part of a team, or for a client. Stage 1—Planning and Analysis: The items identified in this stage are called deliverables. Stage 2—Scheduling: You need to create a schedule with due dates based on the deliverables identified in the previous step. 24

25 Objective 1.5 Understand Project Management Tasks and Responsibilities (cont.) 25 Stage 3—Building: You need to develop a sketch, or design comp, of the layout either on paper or in a graphics-editing application to show to the client. Stage 4—Testing: The project needs to be tested to ensure that it works properly, and it needs to be verified for accuracy before showing the client the final product. Stage 5—Implementing or Publishing: Once the final product meets the client’s satisfaction, it is time to publish the final project to the medium for which it was designed. 25

26 Objective 1.6 Communicate with Others about Design and Content Plans 26 Your project should have a project manager to oversee thecommunication process and to help keep individuals on taskand on time. Your project should have a project manager to oversee the communication process and to help keep individuals on task and on time. Scope creep refers to changes in the requirements of theproject as the project is being constructed. Scope creep refers to changes in the requirements of the project as the project is being constructed. 26

27 Summary 27 1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for rich media content. 1.2 Identify rich media content that is relevant to the purpose of the media in which It will be used (websites, mobile devices, and so on). 1.3 Understand options for producing accessible rich media content. 27

28 Summary 28 1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copy right rules (related terms, obtaining permission, and citing copyrighted material). 1.5 Understanding project management tasks and responsibilities. 1.6 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design and content plans. 28

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